Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sun Conjunct Uranus

Well, I was an hour off with this but 60 minutes before it perfected there I was pushing the One Click button on Amazon buying myself a Roomba 770 so I too can take adorable and amusing videos to upload to YouTube of the cats following this around and going for rides on it - much more likely, actually, will be videos of tails disappearing behind doors, knowing how brave both these guys are when it comes to vacuum cleaners, but perhaps they'll be different with the Roomba.

After yesterday's second day in a row of allergy misery, and remembering the clouds of cat hair I'm discovering everywhere, this seems like a perfectly reasonable purchase to have made, especially in light of the $45 that would be burning a hole in my wallet if I hadn't spent $15 of it on yet more allergy medication yesterday afternoon. Never mind. Lots more to go on eBay. And Sun now coming to square Mars, so God knows that's next.

But if this is a fore-shadowing of what will happen when Uranus hits the Sun next year, them Apple stocks had better start to climb.

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