Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Moon in First Near Uranus

Three degrees away - does that count? Close enough to go through an album of photographs from 45 years ago and throw away most of them and sort the kept ones into three piles - one for me (smallest), one for friend from that time having birthday soon and one for my sister, also having birthday soon.

Biggest discovery was my wedding date - November 4, 1968, something I've never been sure of, although if I dug out the divorce papers ha ha they would probably have it.

Slowly slowly slowly I am getting a handle on this house, now that I have two useable hands again and no mystery bug to lay me low. Tomorrow it's yet another trip to the dump with as much of the destroyed chicken coop I can fit into Zippy as possible - and Sun to Uranus in three days time.

Perhaps I'll get an inkling of  how Uranus to the Sun will manifest next year, she said brightly, going to make herself a drink...

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