Saturday, May 17, 2014

Saturn Square Moon and....

...Saturn sextile Jupiter at the same time - it's what happens when a natal moon and Jupiter are inconjunct, not mine, of course, just a moon in general...

So I have a foundation for success here along with emotional loneliness or something and a general feeling of being cut off, or I'm supposed to, and all I really want is to start to feel well again after the bout of whatever it is I've just had.

I have just had a lesson in what Progressed Moon opposed to Mars square Uranus really means, as once the explosive diarrhea passed - how's that for a throwaway line? - I started to open the boxes I ordered while it was in effect and it was a bit like Christmas. Ooh, I wonder what's in this big box - oh, it's the birdbath, of course, someone with two cats prowling around all day outside really needs a birdbath...

The birds haven't noticed it yet, which is definitely a good thing, and it sure do look purty, but a birdbath? That Jeff Bezos sure has a lot to answer for.

OK, post finished. Coherence next time.

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