Friday, May 2, 2014

Venus Opposed to Chiron

One of the things Sun sextile Mars seemingly got me to do on Wednesday was pick up the phone three weeks after I was supposed to and make an appointment for physical therapy for my wrist.

Lo and behold, I was given an appointment for the next day - yesterday, Thursday, with the subject aspect - putting me in touch, literally ha ha, with a real live healer whose name I can already not remember but who I liked a lot and whom I'll be seeing twice a week for the next month.

So as I'm writing this and reading what astrodienst has to say about  Venus opposed to Chiron and thinking boy, did they get this one wrong, I remember the phone rang at about eight last night as the aspect perfected. I'm two rooms away from the answering machine and couldn't tell who was calling but as I was already in bed reading with Noodles and Salami curled up next to me bodies actually touching - O hitherto unknown event and requiring an explanation far too detailed for me to go into right now - I didn't get up to answer it.

That's my excuse anyway, but it does give me pause when I read "you should find out which experiences you actually avoid," but I'm tying myself up in so many knots here I'm far too lazy to attempt to untangle them, and as progressed Moon is currently exactly opposite natal Mars for me I think I should be doing something far more energetic than lying here typing. And I say it's spinach and to hell with it.

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