Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sun Sextile Mars, Part II

It might have gotten off to a slow start but by 7:30 I was wiped out and took myself off to bed to watch "Chopper," which was so violent I lasted only ten minutes and have to make sure from my sister that was really what she wanted me to watch as it's hard to believe even someone with Mars square Pluto could find it enjoyable.

(Immediate cancel: how long have I been studying astrology? Of course someone with Mars square Pluto would enjoy watching "Chopper." Didn't she once tell me she thought the First Ladies Detective Agency books were OK but a little too much like Noddy?)

Moving on, once I did get myself out of bed it became clean out the icebox day which morphed into using the dishwasher for all the nasty little containers whose contents got dumped that came out of the fridge and then into using a toothbrush dipped in white vinegar to try to get the mineral accumulation off the faucet unit because the water softener has been off because I couldn't deal with 40 lb. bags of anything with my wonky hand - still wonky but not nearly as wonky as it was.

Leading neatly into another major achievement of the day - calling for an appointment to start physical therapy, something I was supposed to do before I left for Boston, and getting an appointment for 10 am this morning, which means the end of this post as in theory I'm going to go to Walmart first ha ha. Trust me. I got a lot done.

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