Thursday, December 3, 2020

Sun Opposed to Uranus

Well no surprising one-on-one encounters here as I haven't had a one-on-one encounter with anyone except checker-outers at Albertson's for more than two weeks, although going to Albertson's is unusual for me and happening only because I won't stand in line to get into Walmart, me being such a busy person and all. 

What I did do was write two *personal* letters - scrawled photos, to be more exact, or to be exactly exact photographs stuck to scrawled on paper - put them in envelopes, put stamps on the envelopes, address the envelopes, drive myself to the mailboxes, put the letters in the pick-up box and drive back to the house, and if that weren't Uranian enough, this was all before 10:30am. 

As for what I did for the rest of the day I have no idea as this was Tuesday and this is Thursday. It must have involved wood, as a large part of my life now is taken up with What You Have To Do If You Have An Open Fire, and yes, that's it, I DO remember what else I did on Uranian Tuesday, I took myself up the hill behind the house with an Ikea bag and picked up kindling for the first time this year, and for the past two days have done the same. Today I went up twice. And didn't light a fire. 


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