Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Venus trine Sun Part Two

 Didn't get dressed and spent the day *baking* with every single thing going wrong. Never mind. Went back to Christmas list to see what I didn't do and then folded up 10 USPS Small Flat Rate Boxes and put all the bits and pieces in each one for hand delivery tomorrow. As hand each one over, say "Really good on ice-cream" and run.

Zoom meeting with the The Tennis Team - NOT the Raspberries.  Started a fire but heart wasn't in it and let it go out. Decided all the house interior touch-up work I've been saying I'd do when it got cold is now going to wait for Spring Cleaning Time. 

Breakthrough mid afternoon with the realization measuring cups have metric on one side and avoirdupois on the other. Can't decide whether I *should* have noticed that before or not. Opens new horizons (Sun in the Ninth right now haha) and means Marmite Frosting Attempt #3 has a much better chance of succeeding now that I can use accurate measurements. 

Also realized Mars was approaching Mercury as the day wore on. Definitely have never assembled 10 USPS Small Flat Rate Boxes in one go before. 

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