Monday, June 30, 2014

Mars Opposed to Sun

Not a disagreement in sight, just me with a rake in what's left of the light trying to give some sense of being cared for to the triangle in between the driveways to the front and back of the house - the space I used to call the Bermuda Triangle because anything I planted there disappeared in a week, victim to drought, deer, rabbits and my lack of knowledge of horticulture in general.

But I was so much older then, ha ha, I'm younger than that now, and I have an eight foot high hollyhock growing and just beginning to flower in the, er, north garden, which anchors the end of the triangle closest to the house.

It's the scorched and barren wasteland at the other end I'm trying to make look tended, for want of a better word, and it's so frigging hot the window of activity is short, hence the raking around in the dark last night.

O for Picasa to be able to post images, although without a *before* only another struggling *gardener* in this drought-stricken wild-life-rich wind-blown corner of New Mexico would see anything that looked like an accomplishment. Yes ma'am, everything is definitely relative.

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