Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Jupiter Sextile Ascendant

So there in the mailbox is a notice there's a package at the PO and when I get it it's an I heart New York tee shirt with the heart made up of lots of little paw prints, a pair of work gloves and a pair of socks, the socks especially appreciated as they're the ones that barely cover your feet but are made of nice thin cotton instead of terry cloth, and it's in the mid-nineties every day here at the moment. God bless Albert.

With Jupiter opposed to the Midheaven, sextiling the Ascendant and about to square Mercury - and of course in its exaltation - life seems pretty good these days for a twelfth house Aries Sun, and only the start of the monsoon season could make it any better. It's all relative.

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