Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Mars Trine Uranus

So I managed to get two bits of twisted metal - remnants of the chicken coop - into Zippy, along with a disintegrating old tarp from the woodpile, an ancient Marimekko comforter and six bags os smelly trash, and do yet another trip to the dump, but the really surprising part of the day was sitting down at nine am to start transcribing work and realizing that even with the software replacing the transcribing machine, I needed a foot pedal.

Could I find the foot pedal? No. Do I think I threw the foot pedal out? Would like to think not, but it's looking like a yes. Could it still be in Cambridge? Anything's possible. Will I have to order a new one? Yes.

And there is a God, I realize. After deciding I would spend $150 on a genuine from 1963 pink Marimekko dress on eBay I managed to stop myself at $310.50, with the auction ending at $315.50. Bidding had stopped at $67 when I entered the fray, going higher and higher and always being outbid but driving the price up nevertheless.

Somewhere in the world the winning bidder is sticking pins into a faceless voodoo doll, while I'm listening to Judy Garland singing "This is my Lucky Day" over and over again.

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