Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sun Conjunct Uranus

Well, I was an hour off with this but 60 minutes before it perfected there I was pushing the One Click button on Amazon buying myself a Roomba 770 so I too can take adorable and amusing videos to upload to YouTube of the cats following this around and going for rides on it - much more likely, actually, will be videos of tails disappearing behind doors, knowing how brave both these guys are when it comes to vacuum cleaners, but perhaps they'll be different with the Roomba.

After yesterday's second day in a row of allergy misery, and remembering the clouds of cat hair I'm discovering everywhere, this seems like a perfectly reasonable purchase to have made, especially in light of the $45 that would be burning a hole in my wallet if I hadn't spent $15 of it on yet more allergy medication yesterday afternoon. Never mind. Lots more to go on eBay. And Sun now coming to square Mars, so God knows that's next.

But if this is a fore-shadowing of what will happen when Uranus hits the Sun next year, them Apple stocks had better start to climb.

Sun Sextile Pluto

"Under this influence you will be able to make changes in your immediate environment and to reform circumstances that you have been unhappily contending with for some time. "

Thank you, astrodienst, as usual. I would say cleaning the bathroom fits very nicely into this category, especially as by the time Thursday rolled around I'd already been working on it for a week. No sense in overdoing it, you know, especially now I'm almost 70.

So in this *session* I repotted the poor old cactus that's so top heavy he has to be propped up by the wall and managed to get him to stand up by himself, AND I pulled the cabinet away from the wall to reveal piles and piles of cat hair, presumably a major contributing factor to the constant misery my scratchy watery eyes are subjecting me to. Cleaned up the cat hair but left the cabinet pulled out because of course I'm going to go through everything in it and throw most of it out before I put it back.

Also discovered my long-lost Elsa Peretti absolutely plain had-it-for-ever bracelet, got out the silver polish (!)  and cleaned all the black off it so it looks like the silver it is and attempted to do the same with the little Iranian pill box I was given many moons ago which had also turned black.  

No success with that until I realized it was probably brass and switched to the appropriate polish.

And later in the day, yet another circumstance I've been very unhappily contending with for some time - the crowded back patio - got changed when a truck rolled up, someone who'd seen the listing on Facebook got out and handed me $45 and off went the little Joseph Cornell table, the metal chest of drawers and the child's kitchen play unit thing. Yeah Pluto! For once.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Mercury in Two

Well, the little tortoise lamp I had up on the Facebook page sold last week and now it looks as though the pretend Joseph Cornell table, the green chest of drawers and the child-size play kitchen hutch thing will be going as well.

Espresso cups I bought in Santa Fe for two dollars sold for $11.25 on eBay. No bites yet on the Ghost jacket for $4.99 but never mind.

Cats are going to miss the kitchen hutch. They've been taking turns sitting on top of it being monarchs of all they survey. Back to the tree trunks.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

New Moon in First Near Uranus

Three degrees away - does that count? Close enough to go through an album of photographs from 45 years ago and throw away most of them and sort the kept ones into three piles - one for me (smallest), one for friend from that time having birthday soon and one for my sister, also having birthday soon.

Biggest discovery was my wedding date - November 4, 1968, something I've never been sure of, although if I dug out the divorce papers ha ha they would probably have it.

Slowly slowly slowly I am getting a handle on this house, now that I have two useable hands again and no mystery bug to lay me low. Tomorrow it's yet another trip to the dump with as much of the destroyed chicken coop I can fit into Zippy as possible - and Sun to Uranus in three days time.

Perhaps I'll get an inkling of  how Uranus to the Sun will manifest next year, she said brightly, going to make herself a drink...

Monday, May 26, 2014

Venus Conjunct Mercury

Invited out for lunch for belated birthday, invited b&b guests for dinner and attempted, reasonable successfully, to duplicate dessert served at lunch for dinner.

Recipe somewhat insultingly called No Skill Fruit Tart but actually worked well in spite of many reviews from people saying crust was horrible and they ate the fruit out the middle - NOT seen before I made it.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Jupiter Sextile Jupiter

"In good working order," says astrodienst, and I go back to the clinic for my blood work results - words I have never written before in reference to myself - and lo and behold, my cholesterol is *normal* - the good kind is where it should be and so is the bad kind, instead of the bad kind being off the chart where it's always been before when I've had it tested, admittedly not often but still.

"But I'd barely eaten anything for ten days when the blood was taken," I say. "Remember I came because I was sick and not feeling well?"

"Doesn't make any difference," says the P.A. "All your blood work is good and everything's fine."

Not for a second do I believe her but I'm not about to suggest they run all the tests again now I've been eating *normally* for a week.  I haven't had the bill for any of this yet but I'm getting used to one arriving weeks after any *treatment* is finished, so I just say thank you, may I have a print-out and make a mental note to lay off the macaroni and cheese for the week before I go back again in November.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Sun Trine Chiron

Now I think this was supposed to give me the chance to bring painful events from the past to light and deal with them in a different - more healed (?) - way, but I have no memory whatsoever of shopping in Walmart as a child, let alone using the self-service checkout.

I have plenty of recent memories of Walmart, all of which tell me if I don't get there by 9:30 am at the very latest I should put off going till the next day, but needs must when the devil drives (a phrase I have never understood but seems particularly appropriate here) so there I was on Monday afternoon at three pm waiting for a self-service checkout to become available (!!!) and reminding myself over and over that I had made a conscious decision to buy groceries at just this time and there was no point whatsoever in having a temper tantrum and I should just get over myself.

Truly amazingly - as I have weaned myself off of all medication and am no longer taking either Celexa or Wellbutrin - I was able to hold on to this feeling when I punched in the code for green grapes, saw the cost come up on the screen, bought them - as I thought - and then saw the dreaded "Unexpected Item in Bagging Area - Assistance Needed" appear, while the red light began flashing and the screen froze.

The person responsible for giving assistance was probably on his first unsupervised day at work and I counted to 200 before giving up while he stabbed away at the screen in a valiant attempt to sort it all out, somewhat along  the lines of a chimpanzee writing Macbeth if you wait long enough, and when he finally made his way to When shall we three meet again? I was able to go back to my self-checking out.

Blackberries, Whiskas, PowerAde, Clamato Juice, Fat-Free Half-and-half  - all was whizzing along merrily until - oh horrors - the basket was almost empty and, with sinking heart, I realized I'd grabbed two cans of white satin spray paint for sprucing up the outside wicker chairs and may as well have grabbed a couple of gallons of vodka.

(Perhaps more (less?) enlightened states don't have this law, although for all I know, NM being the only state in which I ever buy spray paint, it's federal, but whatever it is, no one's allowed to buy spray paint here any more unless they're over 18, something a self-check-out counter is incapable of determining.)

This, perhaps, is where Sun trine Chiron kicks in, at least the "It can also prevent you from hurting others" bit,  for Mr. Assistance Needed was knee-deep in unmarked kids' clothes merchandise at an adjacent register attempting to write The Merchant of Venice and somehow I had the forbearance to wait until he got to The Quality of Mercy is not Strained and was able to verify I'm 50 years over the legal age to be allowed to buy spray paint without interrupting him and pointing out perhaps he needed to go back to associate training school and learn how to troubleshoot. The end.

Jupiter Square Sun

No wonder I've been on a roll for the past three days - this guy was lurking in the shadows turning me into the Energizer Bunny and getting me to the dump twice in three days. Finally something resembling a table and four chairs is appearing on the back patio, with yet another piece of un-wanted and un-needed furniture listed on Buy and Sell Grant County.

No takers - well, one, but no truck - but it's listed and it's off to PT for the wrist for me and then back to start again.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Venus Conjunct Sun

No other people in sight but beautification of house and garden continues, albeit slowly, and the bar of chocolate I've had for so long I wasn't sure where it was disappears - into my stomach, that is.

Haven't been near sugar since getting sick two weeks ago, and with any luck can now continue to avoid as unless I buy more there isn't any ha ha.

Mercury in Two

Mercury goes into the second house, it squares Jupiter and I finally put the unwanted bookcase on Grant County Sell and Barter and the phone rings before I've gotten off the office chair - man comes and picks up bookcase and gives me ten dollars, everybody happy.

AND I realize yet again I don't know how to use Facebook and hadn't responded to woman who wants tortoise lamp when I thought I had, and she wants to come and pick it up this Friday for another ten dollars.

I know it's all relative, but what with Apple splitting seven for one and this as well, I feel like a very lucky girl.

AND I listed the espresso cups and saucers I got in Santa Fe for twenty-five cents a set (!!!!!!!) on eBay. Finally it seems I'm capable of movement. Allelujah!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Saturn Square Moon and....

...Saturn sextile Jupiter at the same time - it's what happens when a natal moon and Jupiter are inconjunct, not mine, of course, just a moon in general...

So I have a foundation for success here along with emotional loneliness or something and a general feeling of being cut off, or I'm supposed to, and all I really want is to start to feel well again after the bout of whatever it is I've just had.

I have just had a lesson in what Progressed Moon opposed to Mars square Uranus really means, as once the explosive diarrhea passed - how's that for a throwaway line? - I started to open the boxes I ordered while it was in effect and it was a bit like Christmas. Ooh, I wonder what's in this big box - oh, it's the birdbath, of course, someone with two cats prowling around all day outside really needs a birdbath...

The birds haven't noticed it yet, which is definitely a good thing, and it sure do look purty, but a birdbath? That Jeff Bezos sure has a lot to answer for.

OK, post finished. Coherence next time.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Sun Square Moon

and Mercury trine Neptune and Venus trine Pluto and Sun trine Jupiter all on the same day and the self-prescribed antibiotics left over from the almost infected abrasion on my arm when the cast came off worked just enough for me to fall out of the big bed and toddle through the living room to my tiny back room and actually stay on my feet for ten minutes or so at a time before breaking out in a sweat.

Mercury trine Neptune? I did start to watch "The Wire" but only in a (Sun trine Jupiter?) attempt to organize the downloads and lasted about 15 minutes, and in a true Sun trine Jupiter moment thought I could give my sister and her husband miles enough for their flight from Spain, not just the U.S. segment, overlooking the minor detail that international is 40,000 miles round trip and domestic 25,000, but other than that I feel as though I've done basically squat - and that that's been going on for far too long.

Ever since I broke my wrist in February I've done nothing to the house - oh oh, whine alert. Erase.

Thursday, May 8, 2014


to albuquerque with a friend on monday for overnight trip, returned on tuesday with mars trine uranus to boxes everywhere i ordered online over the weekend, no idea what i've bought, in bed asleep ever since and about to close my eyes again after the effort of writing this.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Progressed Moon Opposed to Mars Exact

So aspects to the progressed Moon are supposed to be exact for two or three months but to obsess, as I'm so fond of doing , yesterday and today this aspect perfects.

All I can say about yesterday is I had shit loads of energy but it wasn't what you could call, er, focused - five minutes of this, five minutes of that, ten minutes of something else but not too much actually accomplished, unless you count planting Salad Burnett seeds, rooting some virginia creeper, photographing it and promising myself I'd start to keep a garden book again, washing sheets and taking wads of cat hair out of the lint catcher, doing one set of exercises for my wrist (supposed to be three), emailing the woman I stayed with in New York to thank her, going to Walmart and finally tracking down cactus and succulent soil and then going to a friend's house for dinner and having to borrow a flashlight because I forgot to leave the porch light on at the house.

Oh, and agreeing to go to Albuquerque with her on Monday and staying overnight, when I've been back from the east coast for less than a week. Hmmmm....

Friday, May 2, 2014

Venus Opposed to Chiron

One of the things Sun sextile Mars seemingly got me to do on Wednesday was pick up the phone three weeks after I was supposed to and make an appointment for physical therapy for my wrist.

Lo and behold, I was given an appointment for the next day - yesterday, Thursday, with the subject aspect - putting me in touch, literally ha ha, with a real live healer whose name I can already not remember but who I liked a lot and whom I'll be seeing twice a week for the next month.

So as I'm writing this and reading what astrodienst has to say about  Venus opposed to Chiron and thinking boy, did they get this one wrong, I remember the phone rang at about eight last night as the aspect perfected. I'm two rooms away from the answering machine and couldn't tell who was calling but as I was already in bed reading with Noodles and Salami curled up next to me bodies actually touching - O hitherto unknown event and requiring an explanation far too detailed for me to go into right now - I didn't get up to answer it.

That's my excuse anyway, but it does give me pause when I read "you should find out which experiences you actually avoid," but I'm tying myself up in so many knots here I'm far too lazy to attempt to untangle them, and as progressed Moon is currently exactly opposite natal Mars for me I think I should be doing something far more energetic than lying here typing. And I say it's spinach and to hell with it.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sun Sextile Mars, Part II

It might have gotten off to a slow start but by 7:30 I was wiped out and took myself off to bed to watch "Chopper," which was so violent I lasted only ten minutes and have to make sure from my sister that was really what she wanted me to watch as it's hard to believe even someone with Mars square Pluto could find it enjoyable.

(Immediate cancel: how long have I been studying astrology? Of course someone with Mars square Pluto would enjoy watching "Chopper." Didn't she once tell me she thought the First Ladies Detective Agency books were OK but a little too much like Noddy?)

Moving on, once I did get myself out of bed it became clean out the icebox day which morphed into using the dishwasher for all the nasty little containers whose contents got dumped that came out of the fridge and then into using a toothbrush dipped in white vinegar to try to get the mineral accumulation off the faucet unit because the water softener has been off because I couldn't deal with 40 lb. bags of anything with my wonky hand - still wonky but not nearly as wonky as it was.

Leading neatly into another major achievement of the day - calling for an appointment to start physical therapy, something I was supposed to do before I left for Boston, and getting an appointment for 10 am this morning, which means the end of this post as in theory I'm going to go to Walmart first ha ha. Trust me. I got a lot done.