Saturday, June 1, 2013

Retrograde Pluto Sextile Mars

So just in case anybody's missed it when Pluto sextiled Mars the first time this past February I was here in Cambridge going through the storage locker containing the contents of the apartment  I gave up last June and lo and behold, with R Pluto sextiling Mars again here I am in Cambridge going through the contents of the storage locker containing the contents of the apartment I gave up last June.

It's already a week ago (today I'm supposedly going through post cards, photographs and negatives in the comfort of Ama's apartment while she and Star Child are off in their country house), but as the aspect perfected I had several boxes worth of *stuff* spread out on the lawn at the country house and was doing my usual sort - keep and send, try and give away or sell or give to thrift shop.

I could elucidate but am getting myself so lost in when something actually happened and when I wrote about it and trying to keep things in order (a goal already abandoned) but I just wanted to mention what a coincidence it is that each time Pluto has sextiled Mars so far I've been in Cambridge trying to empty out the storage locker containing the contents of the apartment I gave up last June.

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