Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Jupiter Sextile Venus

Well I certainly didn't seize the initiative and put myself out to take advantage of the benefits that could have ensued from this one, mainly because I was asleep for half the day.

Got up to the alarm at six, played tennis at seven, went to McDonald's afterwards and had one of their berry shake drinks and then, as they're directly across the street from R&L, the people who took care of my Volvo so well and for so long, drove over there and made an appointment for Friday morning to get the transmission fluid changed on the Hyundai, which I had an appointment for in El Paso on the day I came back from Cambridge except as I usually do in El Paso I got lost, cancelled it and drove the three hours straight back to Silver.

That seemed like more than enough exertion for someone who got four hours sleep and Ginger and I retired to the day bed, now in the little back room, for Lexulous and the end of physical activity for the day, save for stumbling into the *guest*room at about six, stripping and washing the sheets, putting clean ones on for myself, dragging the hose around the garden to keep the plants alive for one more day, taking a shower and going back to bed, this time in the big people's one.

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