Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sun Square Neptune, Conjunct Saturn Late Evening

I'm definitely overcome with feelings of inadequacy after an unsuccessful attempt at putting together the piece of plastic I bought tlast week to contain a compost heap - not an unsuccessful attempt, to be accurate, but an abandoned one once I realized I'd made it too small and would have to take out the four bolts I'd already put in and start over. Too hot for that.

Mars sextile the Sun going on at the same time probably helped get me started on it, or perhaps it was all the little bits and scraps of organic matter I've been saving up for days and leaving in containers in the kitchen that are beginning to give off whiffs of decomposing organic matter that was the spur - who knows, and of course everything weaves itself together as usual.

NOT as usual (unfortunately) was the bit of time I spent going through paperwork and lo and behold, O miracle of miracles, assembling all the needed bits of information about making a will (no, I still haven't done it) and putting it all in an envelope to send off to the attorney so the documents can be finalized and I can die happy.

Date on paralegal's original letter to me requesting information: February 5th,(of this year, being thankful for small mercies).
Today's date: June 25th
Number of times I have thought about doing what I did today: However many days there are between February 5th and now multiplied by two.
Places I have taken the paperwork with an envelope and a stamp so I could do it from afar: San Diego, New York, Cambridge.

Decision to be made now: Whether to let Saturn crack the whip and go back outside, disassemble the piece of plastic, redo it with a larger circumference and dump all my little saved bits into it, covering it with pine needles I will have to sweep up, or to float along on Neptune's tide, open a beer and turn on the telly to see what Serena did today.

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