Friday, June 14, 2013

Mars Conjunct Uranus

Lots of catch up to do, surprise surprise, but am now back in Silver after successful trip to empty storage locker which will save self $600 a year from now on. I'll take it.

Have been watching this aspect approach and as usual guessing unsuccessfully at what might occur. First thought was the eight large flat-rate boxes I shipped myself on Tuesday might arrive - wrong! They arrived yesterday and were waiting for me at the PO when I went to pick up held mail. Maybe today I'll open one of them ha ha.

Most surprising incident to happen so far this morning (three hours to go) involves Ginger, not me. After being kept inside for two weeks his need for adventure is high, and when I let him out this morning after coming back from tennis he immediately headed down the hill towards the barn, instead of hanging out in the shade close to the house. As I've just been told by my neighbor at #12 that he's seen two wolves (!) hanging out there at dusk this was not a direction I wanted Ginger to take.

Immediate sounds of yowling rent the air and I hot-footed it down to the barn to find him having a close encounter in the corral with #12's cat. At the sight of me #12's took off for home and Ginger, Clawless King of the Jungle, took off after him (her?) Rather cleverly, I thought, #12's jumped into the drainage pipe that goes underneath my *road* where it crosses the arroyo (stream, to easterners).

Not so cleverly (the pipe has a diameter of about a foot), Clawless King of the Jungle followed, and as I listened to the scuffling sounds that ensued I wondered just how much this little incident was going to cost me and how I would explain to the vet er, yes, well I do let him out but I watch him closely and he usually....

Thinking Greenies might come to the rescue I went back to the house to get them but by the time I left with them Ginger was already splayed out on the back patio, presumably unharmed. As close an inspection as I could get showed a speck of blood on his nose and a red earlobe, neither of which seemed to be bothering him too much.Wondering if an antibiotic ointment for felines is available over the counter and if so, which counter, I dabbed a bit of my Equate triple-anti-biotic for humans on both places and hoped it isn't poisonous. So far so good, and Ginger is inside.

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