Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sun sextile Pluto Hangover

 Yesterday I *planned* to have a bag of stuff ready to take to the thrift store this morning and lo and behold I got a bag ready and took it this morning - and not just any old bag.

It must have been in 2012 that I bought at an auction to support a local school a hand-made pink and brown polka dot diaper bag that I intended to use for knitting. The last time I knitted something was probably 2009. It's been haunting me ever since. Too good for a thrift store, too clumsy to ship on eBay and too much trouble to list on a local buy and sell website. 

The Betsy Johnson bag I bought quite recently on eBay (too floppy, too many compartments, too many zips, too much black plastic) got tucked inside the diaper bag, along with two pairs of sparkly slippers I probably spent $30 on that were ordered in size 9 but one pair arrived size 8 and a half and the other pair were nine and a half - all stuff that in my dreams I was magically going to sell and get some of my money back. 

The bag's been sitting on a small side table which has taken up residence in the bathroom since I moved to 14B, along with the laundry basket, trash bags full of plastic and glass to take to the dump, a large white enamel bowl I have no use for, several picture frames and a couple of mirrors, and has been smacking me in the eye every time I go into the bathroom, which is often as I have to use the ornamental bathroom sink to wash my coffee cups and Pretty Boy's dishes. When I want to take a shower I use the now airbnb bathroom instead of *mine* when there are no peeps here as there is nothing in it that shouldn't be in a bathroom and there is room to move around. 

I daren't figure out how long things have been like this. Probably January or February when I got the airbnb reservation for Big Sunny Space, which no longer existed, but which I took as an OK I'll go with the flow and start to rent The Other Side, something I thought of doing last September. 

The reservation was for April and gave me about three months to get ready, and that's when my beautiful new big bedroom began filling up with all the I'm going to sell this and make some money stuff. 

Something kicked into gear last night and this morning the diaper bag and its contents, all in a very nice wire basket that I bought years ago because I liked it but had no use for, arrived on the Donations Counter at PAWS thrift shop on Bullard and I walked out without it, feeling freer than I have felt for months. 

And all I bought was a very nice blue and white shirt, two paperbacks which I'll return when I've read them and yes - a wire basket because yesterday - in my clearing out frenzy - I knocked over and broke a pottery bowl I had a few succulents in and as I had to buy two coconut liners from Amazon when I needed only one I'll put the one I didn't want into the new wire basket thing and re-home the succulents.

Things are looking up. 

Sun sextile Pluto

 It's time, it's definitely time. Fourth set of airbnb-ers since I started again arriving in an hour, and this room is finally unlivable in and I have to make changes. Lovely when it was just my bedroom and I had the whole other part of the house to myself as well - 2020 - but now with peeps I can't just barge in on in the other side so have to have this room set up for anything I might  need. Studio living. 

And what is in here now as well as bedroom stuff is all stuff that I am supposed to be selling because I no longer want or need it, except it's been here for months and I'm making no move to do anything with it. 

So this would appear to be the day to get going - pack things up that I am obviously not going to sell and have bags ready to take to the thrift shop tomorrow morning. And begin to reorganize closet that I always envied which is crammed to the gills now with stuff, the dreaded stuff. 

Astrodienst reminded me this morning that I would probably have to... 

.....>confront the power of a group or collective that you deal with every day.  You will have to realign >>>>your own intentions with the collective intentions of the group - friends, neighbors or business >>>>associates - but this will probably work to your advantage.

Just got the email - tennis starts at 8 now instead of 8:30. 

Monday, May 24, 2021

Venus Square Jupiter

 So far so good. All I've done so far is buy myself a new white clock in Walmart for $3.98, and I'm back at the house with two bags of garden soil and a bag of compost, which I don't think smacks of extravagance. 

Trying to get used to my new Apple Magic keyboard and Magic mouse. Impressed with Apple as this keyboard did indeed link immediately, and so did the mouse, unlike the Matias one (keyboard) I packed up and sent back after two weeks of trying. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

Venus conjunct Uranus...

 ....and I spent the whole day outside digging in fresh dirt and *planting* the first of the wildflower seeds. 

And today, Venus is conjunct the transiting North Node and both of them are sitting on natal Uranus and therefore squaring Mars and with any luck I'll have a repeat of yesterday. More to come.

Tuesday: Well I didn't have a repeat of Sunday. I felt like sh*t all day and barely moved, but thank God I can put it down to second COVID shot and not think I'm falling into a slough of despair.  Venus has moved on and transiting North Node hasn't quite arrived at Uranus. Maybe when it does something *special* (hah!) will happen and I'll know I'm on the right path. Clutching at straws.

Pluto in the fourth

The realization that would probably be immediately apparent to another (real) astrologer but has only just occurred to me (which leads to an important (!) digression about another recent revelation to self about reluctance to post on dear old almost-every-day but I'll come back to that if I remember) is that this doing airbnb in the addition and living in the old house and then moving from the old house into the addition myself because I was going to stop doing airbnb a) because I decided to and b)  lockdown took care of it anyway and living in all of the house for the winter of 20/21 and then having it decided for me to stay in the addition and airbnb the whole house - well, couldn't all this shifting around be some kind of manifestation of the title?

Yes, but then how do you explain Taurus Rising? 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

P Mars square P Pluto

 This has been chugging away in the background since end of November, '18,  given a one degree orb, and the progressed planets square each other perfectly next week. Note: I am not aware of the exact day. Could be Tuesday.

Two and a half years, give or take a month. Pluto trine Jupiter was in there somewhere, not that I realized because I was getting high, going to a drawing class and bombarding friends with Mahalia Jackson YouTube videos. 

2019, as I remember it, was memorable for The Village Pub opening, a grand old time being had by all and my discovery that all of my friends here smoked, if they didn't vape or have a medible.  BIG eye-opener. Seriously surprised.  

 Pluto trine Jupiter must have started that Fall when I enrolled at the University here and took the art class where the finished drawings were granted their own museum opening in April 2020.  

Have to come back to this. Could use a little re-arranging.

Venus trine Neptune

 No, no. I need Mars trine again. 

Have to go to dump in spite of roadworks on the way. 

Must get Silver City brochures - airbnb couple coming Friday.

Must get smoke alarm, or find the one that's here disabled because it always goes off when I make cheese straws, which is about once a year now.

Must check what kind of batteries go in TV remote.

Must return Matias keyboard that I cannot make to work.

Must dig out box of old Apple items to see if I have a keyboard and check batteries in that. 

Must finish curtains in airbnb bedroom and do a general clean up as I've spread out into the airbnb bit and need to retreat. 

So - 12:25 and off we go.

Monday, May 10, 2021

Mars trine Mars

 Wouldn't this be a great one to be born with, she asked, wide-eyed.....

Today I have hung two pictures - they kind of knock you in the eye when you come in the front door but they're no longer on the floor in my closet, and oh boy do I love my closet. Little digression  there.

I began and almost completed one of the four curtains there wasn't time to finish before last Guest Arrival Time. Can't get foot back on to sewing machine so did it all with glue - Sew No More or something like that. Have o

Tried to *install* two pullbacks I think they're called for the window treatment of the french doors. Able to stick one on with double-sided duct tape, did exactly the same to the other but it keeps falling off.

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Here comes Jupiter sextile Venus...

...and lo and behold, Mildred is sold after what - two months - on R&R's Used Car Lot?  I'm probably something like $700 dollars out on the whole deal, depending on what the lot fee turns out to be, and I long ago gave up the idea of paying back her donor the three thou she shelled out, so whatever it is will be a nice little windfall. 

And how about this? The small propane tank has gone, removed by a miracle worker from Pinnacle Propane on Friday, and I was talking to him as he was getting ready to leave when the phone rang with what I knew was a call about Mildred. I did what I rarely do when talking to someone, said "Phone", he said goodbye, I answered the call and felt terrible about cutting him off midstream. 

I don't have his phone number, have to contact him through Pinnacle, and had the idea of sending a note to him through his employer, knowing the chances of that happening were as good as those for  the thank you notes I need to write after my birthday getting done.

Fast forward to yesterday at Walmart where I was stocking up on Honey Crisps and noticed a familiar cowboy hat  looming over all other shoppers.  Hat wearer's eyes caught mine over our masks and of course it was Mr. Miracle Worker from Pinnacle, and I launched into "Oh my god I was going to write to you I felt terrible about cutting you off I wouldn't have done it unless I knew" etc. etc. etc. Was THAT Jupiter sextile Venus? I'll take it anyway. 

Sun trine Jupiter

 It was the film What the Bleep Do We Know god knows how many years ago where I first became aware of  - and now of course I've forgotten his name. Whatever Doctor - Joe de Santis is floating around somewhere in the recesses of my brain but I think he's the governor of Florida so not him - but someone talked about how he *designed his day* and even though I've never been able to do it it's stuck with me forever. 

I guess the theory is you decide in the morning what you would like to do that day and then go ahead and do it. Piece o'cake. I'm doing one of the things I'd like to do today by writing this, massively helped by the transit, and what I would also like to do is finish the curtains in the airbnb bedroom, lengthen the black overalls I recently got from Buykud in China where it seems most women are five feet tall, water all the plants, feed the plants, feed the junipers, plant the tomato seedlings I got yesterday and begin to clean up the part of the outside that looks like the yard at Restore.

Then I'd like to write a couple of thank you notes, start work on next week's Saturday assignment and work a bit more on yesterday's unfinished assignment - oh, and definitely do my 300 steps on the StairStep machine and go on sorting out and organizing this room and put SOMETHING - ANYTHING - on eBay.  

There should definitely be a reward for doing half of the above but I'm not sure what it could be. 

Friday, May 7, 2021

Mercury trine Neptune

Ah, the daydreams one can have after a year of lockdown when one is - well when one is seeing a few little things that are starting to happen that didn't happen before lockdown. I'll say it only once but I say it to myself at least a couple of  times or more a day but what Mr. Microscope  said last Saturday about my homework - "This is a devastatingly good piece" - gave me that jumpstart whoever it was in that piece I wrote about 28 Plays in 28 Days all mixed up with Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolff needed. 

Not sure how much this has to do with Mercury/Neptune, which at least sent me into Final Draft to work on this coming Saturday's assignment, which I think will eventually be made into a TV show and then a movie, with maybe a Broadway Musical and Andrew Lloyd Wright does an opera, and of course it's now Friday night and it's not finished.

Monday, May 3, 2021

Ooh, My Mars is Showing

 God bless it, struggling along in Pisces in the eleventh house all the time. Every once in a while it gets a little jolt so when I went to play tennis this morning there were seven of us and I threw my spoon out of the highchair and said I wasn't staying.

Back from Walmart by 10:30, no wind, watered, dug in a bit more manured soil around things first on the list to get it and then, miracle of  miracles, found the instructions for the Matias keyboard and was able to connect in a minute.

Biggest challenge of the day has been using it. I have the MacBook Air propped up in front of me on The Ultimate Tennis Book, When Advertising Tried Harder and a couple of other books I'm supposed to be selling, and then the keyboard in front of all that and me on the other side of it. It appears I can no longer use a keyboard and I keep forgetting it anyway and I don't have a mouse so I have to go to the trackpad and then I start typing on THAT keyboard...

Self-indulgent to the max.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Uranus sextile Mars

 Blimey. This is one of those chugging away in the background for a couple of years thingies that started last summer - alarm bells! living in house all by myself for first time! - and continue for another year, by which time I'll probably be living in a tree house with a bucket on a rope or up in the adobe with a solar tube.

Freedom to be myself! Do things I have never done before! Understand  my personal needs and be unwilling to compromise! Enlarge my idea of my capabilities! Released from restrictions that have been holding me back!

Like I said, blimey.  Now if I can just finish my exercise for today's playwriting technique I can have a ponder about all of this. 

OK it really is Blimey. Finished exercise for week, first one read, when finished Mr. Can-always-find-something-to-suggest-in-everything said "Devastatingly good piece." Silence. 

Am I going to leave that there?

Do we have a major breakthrough here in the person peering through her birthday present  Harry's 3:00, which she didn't know were made and that she had no idea applied to Harry Potter and  reminded her that she really did have to go for the eye test?  Somebody told me I had done well and I wrote it down where others could read? Good Lord. Never happened before. I see a faint flicker of fire in the middle of my bushel. 

Ha! That would be Mars.