Thursday, December 31, 2020

Saturn & Jupiter in Aquarius in Tenth

Getting deep into the layers here.  Forget  Dailies for once. I did read somewhere - TMA, probably - that Robert Hand considers what I do - try to pick out daily *manifestations* of minor in-the-scheme-of -things transits - craziness. 

He didn't mean me, I hasten to add haha. It was the end of an interview with him, and whoever the astrologer was that was interviewing him asked what he thought of doing what I do - thinks! maybe he/she did it his or her self but asked for a friend :) - and the answer was something like "Doing (that)? That's craziness".

I do usually agree with him haha - which reminds me, back to the subject. 

Both Saturn and Jupiter, when in Capricorn, wandered backward and forward over *my* MC in 2020, and Saturn there got me on a *Board* for the first time in my life - to make up numbers, really, as I have no experience whatsoever of what board members are supposed to do. 

Fortunately for me, it was in the summer, in the middle of lockdown, and as the organization involves one-on-one contact with clients there's been nothing to do. 

However, the two planets moved on to Aquarius, still in my tenth house, and yesterday the board decided to forgo meeting in person or on Zoom and emails started flying around about an issue which seemed to require a set pattern for responses. "I agree that....." "I agree that....." "I agree that....".

I stumbled along as best I could and no one has yet suggested I learn - is it Doyle's or is that games? - parliamentary procedure, I suppose, as it pertains to being a civic-minded (!) responsible adult. 

Just an observation. Just one of the Biggies churning away in the background. 

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Venus sextile Moon, then square Jupiter

 Much excitement - well, not really - serious live action, as someone more articulate than me just described it - at tennis this morning, with 911 being called for a player with heart problems and then him being driven home and me driving around with my seven USPS boxes of bits of shortbread for hand delivery and one to the PO for Destination Hawaii. 

And then took a deep breath and loaded up the car with bags of trash and plastic and glass and aluminum cans that accumulate like wire coat hangers - all of it, not just the aluminum cans - and took it to the dump and then took myself to Walmart for the first time in weeks, spent an hour shopping, came home and fell in a heap. 

Non-perishable grub still in bags on kitchen floor. No jewelry or antique buying, but I did get one big and one small spatula for 87 cents. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Venus trine Sun Part Two

 Didn't get dressed and spent the day *baking* with every single thing going wrong. Never mind. Went back to Christmas list to see what I didn't do and then folded up 10 USPS Small Flat Rate Boxes and put all the bits and pieces in each one for hand delivery tomorrow. As hand each one over, say "Really good on ice-cream" and run.

Zoom meeting with the The Tennis Team - NOT the Raspberries.  Started a fire but heart wasn't in it and let it go out. Decided all the house interior touch-up work I've been saying I'd do when it got cold is now going to wait for Spring Cleaning Time. 

Breakthrough mid afternoon with the realization measuring cups have metric on one side and avoirdupois on the other. Can't decide whether I *should* have noticed that before or not. Opens new horizons (Sun in the Ninth right now haha) and means Marmite Frosting Attempt #3 has a much better chance of succeeding now that I can use accurate measurements. 

Also realized Mars was approaching Mercury as the day wore on. Definitely have never assembled 10 USPS Small Flat Rate Boxes in one go before. 

Venus trine Sun

 Just brimming with creative ideas here and for the second time in six months have *messed* up at an attempt to make Marmite Caramel, using a US/UK conversion table. No need to go into details haha but why on earth can't all the European countries using the decimal system take a giant step backwards and  emulate the US, the most technically advanced of countries and Leader of the *Free* World (how ironic is THAT?), in using the out-dated and basically useless except in the US pounds and ounces system? 

There's a word for that that I believe is something like avoirdupois. Bingo!

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Venus square Mars

This was at four in the morning. If I look at tomorrow, which I always do on the site that Google Will Not Let Me Link To, there's all kinds of stuff going on of which I can remember nothing, except that on Christmas day every year the sun opposes my Saturn and squares my Neptune and I hope some of it gets me to stop watching A Woman under the Influence and start making cheese straws.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Venus into Seven

 Well, when I asked a teammate <choke>  if he would pick me up for tennis if I was car-less one of these days he said yes, so that's a pretty good start.

And meanwhile Jupiter comes to square Venus at the end of tomorrow, probably a good thing (that it ends soon) -  as I have never had so much food in the house or so many Amazon boxes piled in a corner of the living room with new ones arriving left, right and center. 

It's all because Walmart's been having a line of people queuing outside in the cold all day long because of occupancy limits so I've been going to Albertson's, more expensive but they do have goat cheese and fat-free half and half. Then I tried Walmart's curbside pick-up system, but I didn't do it carefully enough and when I placed the order, it told me 50% of it would arrive (free shipping) in a week, 25% would arrive in four days and if I drove an hour down to Deming I could pick up the rest of it that afternoon. Cancel.

Then I had a go at Amazon and had to use their pantry, and by this time I had no idea what I was trying to buy that I didn't have and somehow I've ended up with two packets of Starbucks Pike Place, which I don't need now that I'm not doing airbnb so this morning when with great rejoicing I went to Walmart because they were letting everyone in I had to buy a French Press as I've been thinking of getting one for a while and there they were. 

For some reason I've started to watch TED videos (because they're like monologues, actually) and have somehow stumbled across a lot of people talking about happiness and consciousness. Funny. 

Monday, December 14, 2020

Saturn square Venus

 Well silly old me, thinking this perfected yesterday. It will be at noon today, as the people I play tennis with are emailing back and forth and switching courts with half of them going to the U, the rest to the high school, and me having a mild temper tantrum (unbeknownst to them, I hope) and not even going to play. Our previous president isn't the only one capable of behaving like a three-year-old, although it's a temporary state for me, not the way I live my life. 

And right about now Venus is sextiling Chiron for me, and as there's no "benevolent person around to touch a sensitive spot in me that I have hardly known or perceived myself" I shall have to be that benevolent person myself "and learn how to be a good friend to myself "haha. Not sure how getting annoyed with other people fits into that, but that's what's going on. Sheesh.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Jupiter trine Chiron

Exact today, no less. This was a surprise when I went to astrodienst this morning. I know there are all these major aspects floating around for me right now in the background, but haven't been paying attention to this one. It does explain why I've been listening to "Guide me, O thou Great Redeemer" and "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation". And "All People that on Earth do Dwell" - beat that one if you can. 

I guess it's all about self-healing, and, praise to the Lord, I've had nearly a year with not many interruptions to get used to living in this whole house and perhaps sort myself out a bit in the process.

I do know that today Saturn squares Venus for me and Jupiter's coming along to do the same thing in four or five days. Hoping I can take advantage of it.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Sun sextile Moon

This is an aspect I'm grateful to my mother for having natally, not, of course, that she had any clue what she was bestowing on me. Supposedly she went into labour very suddenley and was rushed from the hospital where she and other evacuated from London pregnant mothers were housed (?) to the country house where they were supposed to give birth in comfort and barely made it into the entrance hall before I popped out, what with me being born with Mars square Uranus and all. 

However, as usual I digress, or rather, attempt to get every bit of information into one sentence, so after almost a week of not writing I'm back to the keyboard, beginning with going through my emails and unsubscribing from any lists that will let me do so: no more NYT emails telling me how to live a cultured and full life under lockdown, no more iPhone tips of the day, most of which are for the iPad anyway and I don't have one, no more Fast Growing Trees, hand crafted shoes, Amazon deal of the Days - and the only with no Unsubscribe button, Just Fashion Now, or whatever it is. (I get about four of those a day.)

So, here I go, a time of psychological and emotional equilibrium with the different aspects of my personality in tune with each other haha, and with the Sun about to trine Jupiter later in the day, I hope to be back with a quick wrap-up of that. 



Mercury sextile Neptune and Mars to the Sun

 This was a treat. I got myself to Walmart at 7:45am and there was ALREADY a line of people waiting in the cold. I shall have to take this seriously and get there at opening time. Only as I was turning around to head off to Albertson's did I remember I was going to order online at Walmart and then go and pick it up.

Mid-morning there's am email that the tennis courts at the high school are open, would anyone like to play at 1:00pm? I would, I answer, and decide to take Mildred, who's been here since Last Thursday and hasn't been out much, as I can get to the high school through residential areas and won't have to go on the highway. (She's not yet registered to me or insured by me.) 

I've only driven her once before, but this wasn't like that time. As soon as I took my foot off the gas she would slow down, and there were rattling noises that I knew shouldn't be there, and she made it only a couple of miles before all the dashboard lights came on, the noises got worse and she stopped short, praise the Lord in the residential district we were in, which is not what you would call heavily trafficked.  

Addendum: December 10, 2020

Post not finished, as usual. Trying for a new start. 

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Sun Opposed to Uranus

Well no surprising one-on-one encounters here as I haven't had a one-on-one encounter with anyone except checker-outers at Albertson's for more than two weeks, although going to Albertson's is unusual for me and happening only because I won't stand in line to get into Walmart, me being such a busy person and all. 

What I did do was write two *personal* letters - scrawled photos, to be more exact, or to be exactly exact photographs stuck to scrawled on paper - put them in envelopes, put stamps on the envelopes, address the envelopes, drive myself to the mailboxes, put the letters in the pick-up box and drive back to the house, and if that weren't Uranian enough, this was all before 10:30am. 

As for what I did for the rest of the day I have no idea as this was Tuesday and this is Thursday. It must have involved wood, as a large part of my life now is taken up with What You Have To Do If You Have An Open Fire, and yes, that's it, I DO remember what else I did on Uranian Tuesday, I took myself up the hill behind the house with an Ikea bag and picked up kindling for the first time this year, and for the past two days have done the same. Today I went up twice. And didn't light a fire.