Saturday, March 8, 2014

sun opposed to jupiter

i may have mentioned i have my left arm in a cast because of a broken wrist. i also may have mentioned that once upon a time i used to write plays, one of which has had two productions and makes me an internationally produced playwright. that play has been available for sale at an online venue for one-act plays for probably eight years and i would say something like ten copies have been sold, giving me an annual income of roughly five dollars. that the site is for high school drama teachers looking for plays for the senior class to perform in and my play has roles for two women in their sixties may well have something to do with its, shall we say, low sales. i have known about the site's target customers for probably seven years and eleven months.

from the above it is relatively easy to deduce that i am not particularly good at self-promotion. whether this is because i am english, chronically lazy, have a twelfth house sun or any combination of the three makes no difference. the result is the same.

there is one more factor that might play into this. i have spent the greater part of the last decade going back and forth from new mexico to new york at least twice a year, culminating in a nightmare eighteen months of adding cambridge - the u.s. one - into the mix. for almost two years now - since june of 2012 - i have lived in the same place - a little town in the orphaned southwest corner of new mexico, where for the past year or so i have been running, if that is the word, a b and b. this may well remove the chronically lazy description from the second paragraph, leaving me merely english with a twelfth house sun.

whatever, a word  i am far too old to be using but on the internet nobody knows you're a dog, about six months i began to have  vague stirrings in whatever - sorry, twice in one sentence is a bit much but this time i'm using it in a socially acceptable age-appropriate way - vague stirrings in whatever area of the brain it is that rules ambition and desire for recognition and respect, not to mention money - aha, you say, if you have been looking at any recent post titles and know anything about astrology - aha, you say, pluto in capricorn is coming to her south node, exclamation mark if i could do one without having to bend down to the keyboard and press caps lock with my left thumb.

and now, having managed the longest post on here since february 12, i need to rouse myself and dress myself and get ready to drive to the surgeon's office for my post-surgery check-up. good news is when i drove this morning, my wrist is healed enough that i can raise my mummified left arm just enough that i look as though i'm driving in legal ten to two both hands on the wheel position.

sun opposed to jupiter to be continued.

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