Saturday, March 15, 2014

sun opposed to jupiter, part lll

this is getting really silly, broken wrist or not. So all i'm trying to do is write a letter, print it out, find a review, print a copy of my playwriting resume, sign the letter, put all that with a copy of the play in an envelope, address the envelope and put postage on it and get it in the mail, and the day i intended to print the letter was the day i was scheduled to see the surgeon to see whether or not i would need surgery.

ok. surgeon appointment at 10 am. 9 am and i go to print the letter and nothing happens. mars is stationed opposed to mercury. need a new printer cartridge. deep sigh of relief as know i always have a spare.  take new packaged cartridge from drawer. take package into kitchen and put on counter. take multipurpose steak knife from drawer. put left arm which is in a cast on top of package to steady it. use steak knife to carefully open cardboard package. get cardboard package opened. see that new printer cartridge is nestled happily in its deep plastic container with transparent plastic sealing the top. look at clock. see am going to be late for appointment if go much further with attempting to print letter. do not think of using steak knife to cut through transparent plastic. leave everything on kitchen counter and get ready to leave for surgeon's office. drive to surgeon's office.

surgeon tells me will need surgery if want full use of wrist for rest of life. decide do want full use of wrist for rest of life. sent to hospital for blood tests and ekg to determine risk of dying in surgery. takes all day. get home, put cartridge back in office, email client for whom am copyediting long book and say might want to find another copyeditor. please remember this is not an account of sun opposed to jupiter but short description of events leading up to it.

ten days pass. have surgery. left arm now in bigger cast. sun opposes jupiter, a saturday, a week ago from today. take transparent film off top of plastic container using steak knife and teeth. print letter. sign it. discover i have correct size padded envelope. think of the one psychic i have ever been to who told me i would always have everything i needed, probably what she tells everyone who goes to her but never mind. weigh envelope on weight watchers' scale i bought at gospel mission just before wrist break and think of psychic again. go to usps and calculate postage. look in stamp box and find exact correct postage printed out at the po on 85th street between second and third. think of psychic yet again.

manage to get printed out postage on to sealed and addressed envelope. drive to po before open and deposit envelope in drive-by mail box. drive home and think of what a glorious and wonderful thing universe is. imagine envelope arriving at destination on tuesday and recipient reading play and calling me to say will be delighted to add play to online catalog  where she is sure it will become best-seller and most-produced.

now please read next post, mars opposed to mercury exact.

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