Monday, March 24, 2014

jupiter trine mars

this perfects today at two o'clock, but it also had to be the driving force - combined with pluto on the south node - that let me work for ten hours straight on saturday when my eyes were itching and hurting so much i wanted to claw them out of my head getting the book project as organized as possible and sending it off to the client in convenient four-segment pieces, along with a correspondingly numbered table of contents.

might not sound like much but it did indeed take me ten hours, and i only wish i could now say the project is over. unfortunately i discovered several segments i'd managed to completely overlook in all the back and forth, and had to send several almost blank pages saying place holder only.

have yet to hear back from client, who i'm sure is mightily pissed, and looking at pluto's station almost on my south node, i know this is a long way from over.

cast comes off a week from today and i  hope that means healing is almost over and i might have enough energy to stay out of bed for more than 30 minutes at a time. always thought neptune to the moon was classic horrible allergy significator.  wrong.

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