Tuesday, March 18, 2014

sun opposed to chiron

so all I've been doing for weeks now is taking cold medication, taking allergy medication and spending most of my time in bed working on The Book. Today there was a bit of a break and i went out to breakfast, came back, got back in bed, finished another piece and sent it to the client.

His email response was unlike any of the others he's sent; curt, directive, time to prioritize, starting tomorrow please review and send every piece back to me - blimey. I was six years old again, scared that i had done something wrong and was going to pay for it in some way - get into trouble, even though i was doing the very best i could.

I so rarely feel that way any more - a good thing, as i'm fast approaching 69 - but then chiron opposes the sun only once a year. Every time i think i'm fed up with astrology and can't be bothered to write about it any more, i get a kick in the backside like this and i'm a wide-eyed convert once again.

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