Monday, March 31, 2014

Sun Sextile Uranus

So now the dining room table is no longer covered with The Book work, I made a start on looking at four months' worth of mail and getting it put away. Exciting no, unusual yes, but then I took a break to see if anyone I was playing with had made a move in Lexulous and discovered an email from Netflix telling me Season Six on Mad Men was now online, and as I just cancelled Netflix as of 4/5 because I am supposed to be getting the cast off today and will presumably not be spending all day in bed, I decided I could take a break and watch the first episode.

 The minute I got back into bed my eyes started to itch, confirming my belief that it's cat dander that has been aggravating my allergies so much this year - think Big Edie in Grey Gardens and you have my life for the past six weeks - and after rubbing away at the right one for a few minutes I managed to get an eyelash or something stuck in there, making me think there was no choice but to call Dr. Van Dran's office and say I'd be there at opening time today and would wait till she could squeeze me in between already scheduled patients.

Then follows about three hours of agony - I didn't have an eye bath cup so used a shot glass, which doesn't work and dribbles saline solution all down your front, tried the lifting up the eyelid trick and pulling it down so that in theory the foreign object gets displaced, did this about ten times until I was back to looking as though I had turkey wattles under my right eye, managed to get whatever it was in a position in the corner of my eye where it didn't hurt as much and then squinted my way through the first few episodes of Mad Men Season Six, at which point the foreign object worked its way out of my eye and I went to sleep. The end.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Mercury Square Uranus, Part 11

So it wasn't just my sister inviting me to join Twitter but the man whose book I've been working on suddenly decided he was done with it and it could go to layout with no further work being done, in spite of my having sent him documents filled with queries and suggestions.

So I basically redid everything I'd done on Saturday, took out all the queries and sent it all again, saying USE THIS. He then asked what was the difference between the first lot and the USE THIS ones, and I told him, and he said to leave all the queries in so he could see where the issues were and I said well just read the first lot then. All good fun.

mercury square uranus

o lordie - you really do have to laugh. actually i should shut up as there's hours to go before this perfects, but so far i can't say i've been fascinated by every new phenomenon i've encountered and am eager for more. if it let me balance my checkbook and do some filing i'd be happy.

it's true my sister, who i haven't heard from for months, did email me with an invitation to join twitter, quite amusing as she can barely answer an email without help. i suppose that's unusual enough in itself to qualify as a manifestation, and if i wanted more unusuality this is the third post i've made today.

ok, i have to go now. thoughts are flashing through my head as such an amazing speed it's difficult to keep track of them.

jupiter trine mars

maybe it was this then that helped me get the fitted sheets on, as it perfected yesterday as well as the sun square saturn etc., but i think it's more likely it's what helped me do the marathon ten-hour day i did on saturday getting the book ready and, with my wonderful ethical standards, taking down my hourly rate for copy-editing week by week because of my ten words a minute typing ability. good thing the minimum wage will be going up soon.

sun square saturn and opposed to neptune

so i have airbnb people coming tomorrow, started to get the room ready and discovered i now have enough strength in my left wrist to be able to put fitted bottom sheets on all by myself - wot a big girl! and i can now do exclamation points without effort and if i weren't so lazy i could stop the eecummings bit and write properly.

i did have a vague feeling of unease all day that i couldn't put down about The Book - that i was falling down in my duties at not working on it for two whole days, but here i am on day three and couldn't care less - not quite true as i know i still have work to do on it but compared to yesterday life is just a bowl of cherries.

also yesterday venus sextile sun was in effect, and that one went whooshing right over my head. excellent influence for all kinds of group activities? feeling unusually sociable and people enjoying my company? might make a new friend? opportunities for personal advancement as a result of the favorable impression I've made?
I did get an email acknowledgement that soldiering on finally made it to senior theatre saying it took a long long time to read and consider new work and to please be patient. that'll do.

Monday, March 24, 2014

jupiter trine mars

this perfects today at two o'clock, but it also had to be the driving force - combined with pluto on the south node - that let me work for ten hours straight on saturday when my eyes were itching and hurting so much i wanted to claw them out of my head getting the book project as organized as possible and sending it off to the client in convenient four-segment pieces, along with a correspondingly numbered table of contents.

might not sound like much but it did indeed take me ten hours, and i only wish i could now say the project is over. unfortunately i discovered several segments i'd managed to completely overlook in all the back and forth, and had to send several almost blank pages saying place holder only.

have yet to hear back from client, who i'm sure is mightily pissed, and looking at pluto's station almost on my south node, i know this is a long way from over.

cast comes off a week from today and i  hope that means healing is almost over and i might have enough energy to stay out of bed for more than 30 minutes at a time. always thought neptune to the moon was classic horrible allergy significator.  wrong.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

sun opposed to chiron

so all I've been doing for weeks now is taking cold medication, taking allergy medication and spending most of my time in bed working on The Book. Today there was a bit of a break and i went out to breakfast, came back, got back in bed, finished another piece and sent it to the client.

His email response was unlike any of the others he's sent; curt, directive, time to prioritize, starting tomorrow please review and send every piece back to me - blimey. I was six years old again, scared that i had done something wrong and was going to pay for it in some way - get into trouble, even though i was doing the very best i could.

I so rarely feel that way any more - a good thing, as i'm fast approaching 69 - but then chiron opposes the sun only once a year. Every time i think i'm fed up with astrology and can't be bothered to write about it any more, i get a kick in the backside like this and i'm a wide-eyed convert once again.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

mars opposed to mercury, exact

realize have not picked up mail for days. drive to mailbox and find returned envelope containing play, letter, review and resume. printed postage circled and the words "out-dated" scrawled next to it.

sun opposed to jupiter, part lll

this is getting really silly, broken wrist or not. So all i'm trying to do is write a letter, print it out, find a review, print a copy of my playwriting resume, sign the letter, put all that with a copy of the play in an envelope, address the envelope and put postage on it and get it in the mail, and the day i intended to print the letter was the day i was scheduled to see the surgeon to see whether or not i would need surgery.

ok. surgeon appointment at 10 am. 9 am and i go to print the letter and nothing happens. mars is stationed opposed to mercury. need a new printer cartridge. deep sigh of relief as know i always have a spare.  take new packaged cartridge from drawer. take package into kitchen and put on counter. take multipurpose steak knife from drawer. put left arm which is in a cast on top of package to steady it. use steak knife to carefully open cardboard package. get cardboard package opened. see that new printer cartridge is nestled happily in its deep plastic container with transparent plastic sealing the top. look at clock. see am going to be late for appointment if go much further with attempting to print letter. do not think of using steak knife to cut through transparent plastic. leave everything on kitchen counter and get ready to leave for surgeon's office. drive to surgeon's office.

surgeon tells me will need surgery if want full use of wrist for rest of life. decide do want full use of wrist for rest of life. sent to hospital for blood tests and ekg to determine risk of dying in surgery. takes all day. get home, put cartridge back in office, email client for whom am copyediting long book and say might want to find another copyeditor. please remember this is not an account of sun opposed to jupiter but short description of events leading up to it.

ten days pass. have surgery. left arm now in bigger cast. sun opposes jupiter, a saturday, a week ago from today. take transparent film off top of plastic container using steak knife and teeth. print letter. sign it. discover i have correct size padded envelope. think of the one psychic i have ever been to who told me i would always have everything i needed, probably what she tells everyone who goes to her but never mind. weigh envelope on weight watchers' scale i bought at gospel mission just before wrist break and think of psychic again. go to usps and calculate postage. look in stamp box and find exact correct postage printed out at the po on 85th street between second and third. think of psychic yet again.

manage to get printed out postage on to sealed and addressed envelope. drive to po before open and deposit envelope in drive-by mail box. drive home and think of what a glorious and wonderful thing universe is. imagine envelope arriving at destination on tuesday and recipient reading play and calling me to say will be delighted to add play to online catalog  where she is sure it will become best-seller and most-produced.

now please read next post, mars opposed to mercury exact.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

sun opposed to jupiter part ll

so this was saturday 5/7, already a week ago, when stirrings of ambition prompted me to decide that was the day i would send soldiering on  to a new online cataloger of one-act plays  and hope to sell more than ten copies in the next six years, if that can be called ambition.

i started on the arduous steps that it entailed probably about three weeks ago, on the day i went to the surgeon for the first time after breaking my wrist. actually i'd started weeks before i broke my wrist by taking a copy of the play off the bookshelf and putting it next to the computer. that was ambition stirring one.

ambition stirring two was writing the letter, very complicated as it involved looking up the correct snail mail address from the website and wondering whether or not to put ms. in front of the woman's name.  that probably took about a week, at which i promptly broke my wrist and could barely brush my teeth.

to be continued, again.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

pluto conjunct south node

ok, i finally get it - super-human power to complete a task the sign the south node is in symbolizes.
me - south node in capricorn in the ninth.
capricorn equals those in power.
ninth house can symbolize publishing.
i am copy-editing and part writing a book on principles of business leadership using only my right hand because my broken left wrist is in a cast.
the deadline i have given the client, without consulting an ephemeris, is one day off the date the aspect perfects for the first time.
as michael lutin always says, this shit works.
i put capital letters in the pieces i work on by bending over the keyboard and holding down the caps lock key with my thumb and pressing the appropriate key with my right middle finger. i am not going to use capital letters in this blog for another six weeks, pluto to the south node or not.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

sun opposed to jupiter

i may have mentioned i have my left arm in a cast because of a broken wrist. i also may have mentioned that once upon a time i used to write plays, one of which has had two productions and makes me an internationally produced playwright. that play has been available for sale at an online venue for one-act plays for probably eight years and i would say something like ten copies have been sold, giving me an annual income of roughly five dollars. that the site is for high school drama teachers looking for plays for the senior class to perform in and my play has roles for two women in their sixties may well have something to do with its, shall we say, low sales. i have known about the site's target customers for probably seven years and eleven months.

from the above it is relatively easy to deduce that i am not particularly good at self-promotion. whether this is because i am english, chronically lazy, have a twelfth house sun or any combination of the three makes no difference. the result is the same.

there is one more factor that might play into this. i have spent the greater part of the last decade going back and forth from new mexico to new york at least twice a year, culminating in a nightmare eighteen months of adding cambridge - the u.s. one - into the mix. for almost two years now - since june of 2012 - i have lived in the same place - a little town in the orphaned southwest corner of new mexico, where for the past year or so i have been running, if that is the word, a b and b. this may well remove the chronically lazy description from the second paragraph, leaving me merely english with a twelfth house sun.

whatever, a word  i am far too old to be using but on the internet nobody knows you're a dog, about six months i began to have  vague stirrings in whatever - sorry, twice in one sentence is a bit much but this time i'm using it in a socially acceptable age-appropriate way - vague stirrings in whatever area of the brain it is that rules ambition and desire for recognition and respect, not to mention money - aha, you say, if you have been looking at any recent post titles and know anything about astrology - aha, you say, pluto in capricorn is coming to her south node, exclamation mark if i could do one without having to bend down to the keyboard and press caps lock with my left thumb.

and now, having managed the longest post on here since february 12, i need to rouse myself and dress myself and get ready to drive to the surgeon's office for my post-surgery check-up. good news is when i drove this morning, my wrist is healed enough that i can raise my mummified left arm just enough that i look as though i'm driving in legal ten to two both hands on the wheel position.

sun opposed to jupiter to be continued.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

mars opposed to mercury. still.

and a good thing too, if it's making me equal to the occasion, the occasion being the many-faceted big and complicated editing job i have had on my plate for the last month with no end in sight.

venus square venus

well i certainly didn't feel like getting in the car for the first time since the surgery and taking myself off to walmart but needs must when the devil drives ha ha and when you say you run a bed and breakfast you have to run a bed and breakfast, friskies seafood sensations not a menu option.

i spent an  hour  with a trolley with a wonky right wheel, keeping it straight by steering with my crooked left arm on the opposite side of the little basket thing, hunched over and entertaining myself mightily by pretending i was laurence olivier doing richard the third. this impersonation went unnoticed by the people i bumped into in my travels up and down the aisles. only one of them told me i needed to get a scooter.

it's fun to get out of the house once in a while.

mercury conjunct the moon. again.

this was two days ago so has already receded into the mists of what passes for my memory. best and most educated guess is i worked on the book, about all i do these days apart from eat, sleep, watch netflix and work on the book.

venus trine chiron

lovely lovely day. a friend i see far too infrequently came over and brought me easy-to-eat grub and i took a break from the book project. i'd asked her to help me - amazing how having only one useable hand forces one into doing this - and she put the fitted sheets on the bnb bed and made it up for wednesday's anticipated new arrivals.
when she left it felt like way too much effort to begin to work and it was back to my little beddie with the cats and netflix. and presumably under their massive wraps of bandages and splints and fluffy tape all those fragmented bits of bone at my wrist are healing away nicely. let's hope.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

new moon smack on mars with neptune and chiron

what else could this have been, really.
flat on my back for the second day in a row, percosetted into oblivion and my arm in an even bigger cast than before presumably with my bones healing away in the darkness.
would love to know how this manifested for all the other people with mars at ten pisces who haven't broken their wrists.
astro-twins, where art thou.

venus on the midheaven

so there i am, laid out on a hospital bed with a hairnet in my eyes and an anesthesiologist asking me if any of my relatives have ever died in surgery and a nurse comes in to stick a needle in my arm and tells me i have pretty veins. i ask you, could you make this up.