Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Venus Sextile Chiron

So we start playing tennis at 6:30 now as it gets hot so quickly when the Sun comes up - singles if there's two of us and Australian doubles if there's three.

It was Australian doubles this morning and - in spite of having visited astrodienst last night and read its admonition about the dangers of a careless word - it was still all I could do keep my trap shut as the doubles side chattered away together instead of playing, wasting valuable time while the Sun was still below the university's roof.

Polishing my halo, however, I can write that I managed to restrain myself and merely hopped from foot to foot while waiting for them to stop, which happens to be a brilliant disguise for frustration should you be playing tennis.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sun Square Neptune, Conjunct Saturn Late Evening

I'm definitely overcome with feelings of inadequacy after an unsuccessful attempt at putting together the piece of plastic I bought tlast week to contain a compost heap - not an unsuccessful attempt, to be accurate, but an abandoned one once I realized I'd made it too small and would have to take out the four bolts I'd already put in and start over. Too hot for that.

Mars sextile the Sun going on at the same time probably helped get me started on it, or perhaps it was all the little bits and scraps of organic matter I've been saving up for days and leaving in containers in the kitchen that are beginning to give off whiffs of decomposing organic matter that was the spur - who knows, and of course everything weaves itself together as usual.

NOT as usual (unfortunately) was the bit of time I spent going through paperwork and lo and behold, O miracle of miracles, assembling all the needed bits of information about making a will (no, I still haven't done it) and putting it all in an envelope to send off to the attorney so the documents can be finalized and I can die happy.

Date on paralegal's original letter to me requesting information: February 5th,(of this year, being thankful for small mercies).
Today's date: June 25th
Number of times I have thought about doing what I did today: However many days there are between February 5th and now multiplied by two.
Places I have taken the paperwork with an envelope and a stamp so I could do it from afar: San Diego, New York, Cambridge.

Decision to be made now: Whether to let Saturn crack the whip and go back outside, disassemble the piece of plastic, redo it with a larger circumference and dump all my little saved bits into it, covering it with pine needles I will have to sweep up, or to float along on Neptune's tide, open a beer and turn on the telly to see what Serena did today.

Jupiter Sextile Venus

Well I certainly didn't seize the initiative and put myself out to take advantage of the benefits that could have ensued from this one, mainly because I was asleep for half the day.

Got up to the alarm at six, played tennis at seven, went to McDonald's afterwards and had one of their berry shake drinks and then, as they're directly across the street from R&L, the people who took care of my Volvo so well and for so long, drove over there and made an appointment for Friday morning to get the transmission fluid changed on the Hyundai, which I had an appointment for in El Paso on the day I came back from Cambridge except as I usually do in El Paso I got lost, cancelled it and drove the three hours straight back to Silver.

That seemed like more than enough exertion for someone who got four hours sleep and Ginger and I retired to the day bed, now in the little back room, for Lexulous and the end of physical activity for the day, save for stumbling into the *guest*room at about six, stripping and washing the sheets, putting clean ones on for myself, dragging the hose around the garden to keep the plants alive for one more day, taking a shower and going back to bed, this time in the big people's one.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Venus Opposed to the Midheaven

So here I am, finally acknowledging (admitting?) to myself that I do NOT do catch ups here and unless I describe the manifestations of a transit on the day or day after the transit occurs there is not a snowball's chance in hell that I will do it later, and I go to Io Sprite and there is the Moon sitting directly on my South Node - 13 degrees of Capricorn in the Ninth House.

I have absolutely no idea what that means - I shouldn't be writing? Writing this blog is *bad* for me? (A good thing if the latter's true as I rarely do it ha ha.) I *should* be following my North Node in Cancer in the Third and cooking up a storm for the neighbors?

Well, for what it's worth, I have just been sitting on the front porch with my two B&B guests watching the wild life (one fox, many deer), waiting for the sunset (unspectacular), chatting away and feeling as though they're old friends, and with Venus in its current position in Cancer at the bottom of my chart I would say that's worth a lot, as is their opinion of the accommodations  - "Better than advertised."

Take that, JDG, with your four out of five stars and the flat pillows and sandpaper towels, and while I know you'll know there's a smile after that, I'm putting it anyway.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Sun Square Chiron

Just checked astrodienst and saw this and I'm staying home and not picking up the phone with it due to perfect in five hours.

Seem to have survived this morning playing Canadian Doubles and UpWords Singles and going to the P.O on my way back to pick up my three boxes of books - two boxes of books, actually, and a box of boxes so help me - and if I can stop playing Lexulous on this computer I intend to move my little bed into the back room so I won't be sleeping in the dining room this weekend when I have *guests*.

I ought to be able to get through that without hurting anyone's feelings. Let this not be famous last words.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Mars Conjunct Uranus, Part II

So as this became exact I was doing what I've been thinking about doing for months - making a kind of green salady drink in a blender.

I started with spinach but nothing happened. Took it out and washed it, put it back in wet, nothing. Looked in fridge and found a jar of dill pickles so used some of that juice. Success, and it began to blend itself. Put in a few chopped scallions. Then I added an avocado and gave it another whir, put a dollop of plain Fage yoghurt on top and that was lunch.

Recipe definitely needs refining.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Mars Conjunct Uranus

Lots of catch up to do, surprise surprise, but am now back in Silver after successful trip to empty storage locker which will save self $600 a year from now on. I'll take it.

Have been watching this aspect approach and as usual guessing unsuccessfully at what might occur. First thought was the eight large flat-rate boxes I shipped myself on Tuesday might arrive - wrong! They arrived yesterday and were waiting for me at the PO when I went to pick up held mail. Maybe today I'll open one of them ha ha.

Most surprising incident to happen so far this morning (three hours to go) involves Ginger, not me. After being kept inside for two weeks his need for adventure is high, and when I let him out this morning after coming back from tennis he immediately headed down the hill towards the barn, instead of hanging out in the shade close to the house. As I've just been told by my neighbor at #12 that he's seen two wolves (!) hanging out there at dusk this was not a direction I wanted Ginger to take.

Immediate sounds of yowling rent the air and I hot-footed it down to the barn to find him having a close encounter in the corral with #12's cat. At the sight of me #12's took off for home and Ginger, Clawless King of the Jungle, took off after him (her?) Rather cleverly, I thought, #12's jumped into the drainage pipe that goes underneath my *road* where it crosses the arroyo (stream, to easterners).

Not so cleverly (the pipe has a diameter of about a foot), Clawless King of the Jungle followed, and as I listened to the scuffling sounds that ensued I wondered just how much this little incident was going to cost me and how I would explain to the vet er, yes, well I do let him out but I watch him closely and he usually....

Thinking Greenies might come to the rescue I went back to the house to get them but by the time I left with them Ginger was already splayed out on the back patio, presumably unharmed. As close an inspection as I could get showed a speck of blood on his nose and a red earlobe, neither of which seemed to be bothering him too much.Wondering if an antibiotic ointment for felines is available over the counter and if so, which counter, I dabbed a bit of my Equate triple-anti-biotic for humans on both places and hoped it isn't poisonous. So far so good, and Ginger is inside.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sun in Second House

So I'm supposed to be examining my relationship to the resources in my life. It seems to me I've been doing that for the past decade or so with other people's stuff, with things speeding up a bit in the past year about my stuff and culminating in the - oh frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! - emptying of the storage locker in Randolph MA containing the remnants of my apartment in NY before going back to NM tomorrow - me, not the remnants of my apartment.

Bookshelves, brand new Ikea office chair, silver and black speaker holder from the Seventies and God knows what else got dropped off at the thrift shop near Public Storage in Randolph which just happened to be called "My Lucky Day." (I am not making this up.)

Ama will take my beloved Minton-Corley Ball Chair until I bring Zippy back to collect it. She has the little round kitchen table and two chairs, my big mirror, framed Rupert poster and trapezoid-framed paintings of ballet dancers, the two banquettes from the kitchen with their foam pads, the two flower holders from a funeral parlor that I used to use for clothes I was wearing, the big tall red perforated metal trash can from Habitat, the little metal cabinet I love and the black perforated metal telephone stand from the Fifties.

TD got the chest of drawers and funny little corner cabinet that went into Star Child's room at his house, plus various and assorted stuff that went into his garage before Ama can collect it.

Not content with disposing of my own stuff, a Trader Joe's bag of Star Child's outgrown clothing went off to a grateful neighborhood mother in the afternoon, a mother so grateful for the loot she wrote both Ama and I a check, getting my annual Sun in Second transit off to a great start. My lucky day indeed.

Sun Square Jupiter

Well, if you need to get many many large flat-rate UPO boxes packed ready to ship and sort through a lot of stuff and give a huge box of unwanted postcards to the downstairs neighbor and throw in a two-and-a-half mile walk round Fresh Pond in the middle of it this is a pretty useful aspect to have.

Add playing Lexulous via email till midnight and winning a game (happens one in every 25 times) and finally falling asleep because the pages are taking so long to load and you end up with what you might call a very satisfying day.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sun Square Mars

Another catch-up post

This was in effect the day the Sun conjuncted Uranus and I discovered Dr. M had moved, and the short post is to boost my contributions to this blog for the year and make it look as though I do indeed post nearly every day.

From astrodienst as usual, I've just amused myself by reading that my energy level would be high that day and that on the physical level, I should have tried to find an outlet for my vigorous energies.

It seems to me I didn't have to try at all, and as I also got through that day (which ended with a six and a half hour bus ride to Cambridge, 215 miles away) with no signs of irritable impatience with others, I guess my Wellbutrin/Celexa combo is working very well.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Venus Square Neptune

Happened on Thursday, posting two days later.

So as I may have mentioned I'm here in Cambridge trying to empty out my storage locker to save myself $50 a month, and the challenge on Thursday was to start to go through four boxes of postcards collected over 30 years and get rid of the ones I don't want.

Of course, you immediately get into "but XX  sent me this" and "xx sent me this" but I am learning to be ruthless - or rather I am improving on my being ruthless skills - and I ended up with a full box of post cards I no longer want.

The collection of motels from the '50s and '60s - nope. The ones from the Isle of Wight where I used to go on holiday with my mother, sister and brother - nope. The ones from foreign countries from people I no longer remember who they are pardon my syntax - nope. Etc., etc., etc, as Yul Brynner said to Deborah Kerr in The King and I. (Look it up yourself, I'm busy.)

So Cambridge is a far cry from Manhattan but according to Ama it's OK to put piles of stuff out on the street and hope people will pick it up, so on Thursday, with Venus squaring Neptune and because of the configuration of my natal chart also conjunct Saturn, I went through beautiful and/or artistic (Venus) postcard after postcard, and, strongly influenced by practical constraints (Saturn) of packing and mailing and spending money on mailing them but enjoying every moment (Neptune) sorted and sorted and ended up with the full box I mentioned in the first paragraph.

The box went out on the street, along with some plastic three-dimensional photo frames from the '70s and a few ancient wooden photo frames I'd taken the photos out of, and Ama and I went off to pick up Star Child from school.

When we got back, I immediately noticed the box of postcards had gone, but as we drove into the driveway and parked by the little lawn, there was downstairs neighbor sitting on a garden chair happily going through the box of postcards and sorting them out into what he wanted or not. Much merriment abounded as we told him they once belonged to me, and whether or not this in a very oblique way had anything to do with Mars trine Neptune ("Helping Others") I have no idea.

Probably not, as he told us with a great big smile that he'd come home from work early to work on his to-do list and had been sitting going through postcards ever since he got out of his car.

From February (!) - Mars Opposed to Jupiter

So this should really be called nearly-everyday-astrology-in-no-order-what-so-ever as I've just found a draft post of something begun the last time Pluto was sextiling Mars and I was here in Cambridge sorting through stuff and throwing things out and trying to decide what to keep. It was written on Tuesday February 26th, 2013, and is presented here in its entirety with the headline I gave it then.

Tuesday Noon Mars Opposed to Jupiter in half an Hour

This began yesterday with a trip to the post office to send off to Silver one box of clothes I’d forgotten I had and to pick up eight large flat rate priority mail boxes for all the other stuff I’d forgotten I had but once I saw it decided I couldn’t live without it. Then it was back to the house to assemble all the stuff in a heap on the living room floor and start to sort what came, what Ama got to take to a dumpster and what stayed behind till next time.

Two items that got packed no contest were cast iron figures – one of a Scottie dog, one of a cat with its tail arched -  which I had, in an immensely misguided moment, taken to Cambridge from Silver at some point in the past two years. Since then Star Child has been periodically staggering around the apartment with one or the other in her arms and I’ve been propping open the doors in Silver that need door stops with rocks from outside. I did use the word misguided.

Both are unbreakable and extremely heavy so they went, one each, in the first two boxes, surrounded by clothing that even though I packed it less than 24 hours ago I can no longer remember specifically, and somehow I managed to fill six more boxes with an assortment of accumulated objects I think might be useful

 Ama has given me a gigantic battered old squashie wheelie bag with multiple pockets on the outside, and some of the stuff that went in there I can remember – the pretend cow skin patterned jacket my sister made for me years ago that I love, a flouncy skirt I’ll probably never wear but was too good for the dumpster made of purple velvet

And that was the end of the post. The purple skirt has since been given to D and I have yet to wear the pretend cow skin patterned jacket but I'm glad I saved it, and am today - June 8, 2013, going through boxes of photographs and negatives and postcards to decide which to throw away and which to keep and either send flat rate priority mail or pack in the gigantic old squashie wheelie bag that I recently lugged a couple of hundred blocks through Manhattan in 95 degree heat.

Sun Conjunct Uranus

All right, I'm staying in the same place as a five-year-old so the miracle is that I can post at all, but this one warrants a catch-up post even though I'm supposed to be getting ready for a cake party for 23 adults and 10 children that was going to be held in the back garden but will now be indoors because of rain and to say I have a lot to do is more than a huge understatement.

So this was Friday of last week - May 31, I think. Flight from Silver painless and on time. By some stroke of great good fortune, the plane from ELP to DFW comes into the gate where the Popeye's is, and I had just enough time to buy my two spicy thighs, find a seat and gobble them down out of the bag before getting on the Sky Train to the gate for Logan. Quite what that had to do with Mars trine Chiron I have no idea, except Chiron is in the Sixth for me and that was the aspect while I was *dining*.

But that was Wednesday and I'm writing about Friday. Limo (!) scheduled for picking me up in Bronx at noon for drop off at 79th and East End in Manhattan for visit to Dr. M, who I've been seeing since shortly after 9/11. After that a cab to 31st and Eighth for the bus to Cambridge. Piece o'cake. Temperature 98 with 95% humidity.

Arrive at Dr. M's and stagger though door dragging my 50 lb held together with duct tape huge squashy wheelie bag that Ama gave me last year to take stuff back to Silver in that I've brought back with me to stuff with even more stuff and take back and now contains my decent wheelie bag and four cameras, but that's another story.

No doorman on duty but obviously fit maintenance man's eyeballed profiling and am judged eligible to enter building without challenge. Walk through lobby and remember flight of six steps up to Dr. M's. Heave 50 lb bag up steps one by one. Sweat. Ring doorbell at Dr. M's. Nothing. Sounds of banging from within. Ring bell #1 again, marked Dr. M. Nothing. More sounds of banging. Attempt to mop sweat from brow but have nothing to mop with. Repeat ringing six more times while wonder if ringing bell marked with requested person's name is correct way to gain entrance or if a year in the country has deleted proper procedure from brain.

Decide ringing bell marked with requested person's name is correct procedure. Wonder if requested person is at lunch. Wonder if receptionist with whom appointment was made forgot to write it down. Wish had tissue. Wish had Dr. M's phone number.

Leave 50 lb. bag outside Dr. M's door and ask maintenance man if there is anyone in Dr. M's office. Maintenance man stares at me and tells me Dr. M moved a year ago. Ask if maintenance man has address to which Dr. M has moved. Maintenance man has not. Ask maintenance man for phone number of building management so I can ask if building management has address to which Dr. M has moved. Maintenance man gives me phone number of building management.

Bless the day I bought a cell phone and call building maintenance.
Ask if building management has forwarding address for Dr. M. Building management has not. Mop brow with loose unsecured with duct tape floppy bit of huge squashy wheelie bag. Look at lobby clock. Have 20 minutes to get to wherever Dr. M has moved.

Again bless the day I bought a cell phone and call JDG in CA. Ask for Dr. M's phone number. JDG checks Dr. M on google, tells me Dr. M's phone number and tells me he's located at 435 East 79th. Tell him he isn't and call Dr. M.

Me: This is Pamela Reeves. I have a one o'clock appointment with Dr. M.
Receptionist: OK.
Me: Not really. I'm at the old office.
Receptionist: Oh.
Me: Please tell me he's in the same neighborhood.
Receptionist: What neighborhood?
Me: The one he used to be in.
Receptionist: Well, he's a few blocks west between 71st and 72nd.
Me: How many blocks west?
Receptionist: He's on Fifth.
Me: I'll be a bit late.
Receptionist. OK.

So began the trek, temperature as before, eight and a half blocks south and seven blocks west, lugging my 50 lb bag, streets filled with lorries and cars and buses and cabs filled with people and sidewalks lined with people waving their right arms up and down, through the site of the Second Avenue Subway construction which has now moved conveniently down from the neighborhood where I used to live to the neighborhood I was then traversing, armed now with tissues taken from the lobby of Dr. M's old building, enabling me to mop but requiring me to stop lugging whenever I wanted to - somewhat akin, I thought, to Shackleton's expedition to the south pole but with the temperature in reverse.

I was wrong. The similarity to Shackleton's expedition to the south pole but with the temperature in reverse was when I left Dr. M's new office and had to walk to 31st and Eighth to pick up the bus to Cambridge, sidewalks lined with people waving their right hands in the air...

New Moon on Cusp of Second House...

...with Jupiter already there sextiling Mercury

We're in the money! Request from Tucson to rent big sunny space in country house for a week - except they noted I don't have air conditioning and think it might be too hot.

So that's what a sextile is? The opportunity but if you don't take advantage of it nothing happens? Emailed back to say June is the hottest month of the year in Silver but if you keep windows closed, shades down, enclose each foot in a bag of ice and don't move, it's really OK. Awaiting answer.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Retrograde Pluto Sextile Mars

So just in case anybody's missed it when Pluto sextiled Mars the first time this past February I was here in Cambridge going through the storage locker containing the contents of the apartment  I gave up last June and lo and behold, with R Pluto sextiling Mars again here I am in Cambridge going through the contents of the storage locker containing the contents of the apartment I gave up last June.

It's already a week ago (today I'm supposedly going through post cards, photographs and negatives in the comfort of Ama's apartment while she and Star Child are off in their country house), but as the aspect perfected I had several boxes worth of *stuff* spread out on the lawn at the country house and was doing my usual sort - keep and send, try and give away or sell or give to thrift shop.

I could elucidate but am getting myself so lost in when something actually happened and when I wrote about it and trying to keep things in order (a goal already abandoned) but I just wanted to mention what a coincidence it is that each time Pluto has sextiled Mars so far I've been in Cambridge trying to empty out the storage locker containing the contents of the apartment I gave up last June.