Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Venus Sextile Pluto

So I didn't notice any transcendental sexual relationships or feel any great need to belong to an individual or a group, but I did decide if I didn't do something about looking for the title to the house so I could go back to the lawyer I first saw in February (!) and get the will taken care of I'll have to move out of town in case I run into her in Walmart or somewhere.

I know there's an *issue* with the title because when I was refinancing (also in February - big month) the title company for that called me and said there was a problem with it: when I bought JDG out in 2006 evidently the deed wasn't recorded properly, which I dimly remembered, and for only $100 the title company for the refinance could sort it all for me.

I made a feeble effort at doing it myself. I asked for the name of the notary who did it wrong and pretended to myself for about a week that I'd go into the county building and sort it out before calling them back and saying go ahead, it's only money ha ha, but  I did ask JDG if he knew anything about it.

His memory was that there had indeed been a problem and that he and I had had to go back to the county building not too long ago - two years? three years? and go through the recording process again, which did sound vaguely familiar, but where the resultant piece of paper was I had no idea, and I needed it to take to the lawyer so she could draw up the Transfer On Death.

I did call the title company for the refinance about six weeks ago and ask if they had the deed, but they said no, it must be in my possession, and ever since then it's been one of the things hanging over my head like go up to the well house and take the water filter out and take it to Ace so I can get the right one to replace it and clean up the back patio which has looked like Restore's yard ever since I bought the tree trunks at the estate sale. God it's easier in an apartment.

Anyway, ten days ago, with Venus sextiling Pluto (he of sex, death and taxes), I had the astonishingly brilliant idea of looking in the great big envelope that holds the paperwork from the 2006 buyout, and there it was, a legal-sized piece of paper dated July something 2010 with both our signatures and a proper notary stamp and signature and all, and all I have to do now is get that copied and take the copy to the lawyer's office.

I've been carrying it around with me now for a week to take it to the UPS Store to get copied, and every day I bring it home un-copied I wonder if I could do it here and staple the bits together. It has occurred to me that the lawyer's office, dealing with all the legal paperwork there must be every day ha ha, very probably has a copying machine that can cope with legal size paper, and that I could very easily give them a call and have it copied there.

On the other hand the UPS Store is on the way to Ace so I could do it when I take the filter in, but before I do that I need to find the receipt for the un-used circular saw blade from when JDG cut the corrugated tin for me and only needed one. That way the filter will only cost me half as much and I mean, really, there's no sense in wasting money, now is there? That's just silly.

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