Friday, May 24, 2013

Mars on the Ascendant

So this was the day the eBay auction for my piece of Marimekko fabric (Didn't I mention I put it up for sale last Friday afternoon just as Venus was conjuncting Uranus? Gosh it's a good thing I called this nearly-everyday-astrology.) was due to end, and wanting to be an A+++ eBay seller I took myself off to the Post Office to get a flat-rate envelope and - incredibly efficient and organized here - ask for my mail to be held for two weeks as I would appear to be going to New York on Wednesday.

The mail hold bit went well, as did picking up the mailer. So what if the Silver City Post Office had exactly one flat-rate envelope on the premises? I got it, didn't I? Nothing to complain about, and onward to PAWS to drop off yet another bag of clothes and then, miracle of miracles, to Restore to drop off the file cabinet that got ousted at the time of the *estate sale* when I went berserk with buying furniture and am still trying to clean up the back patio from.

Somewhere in the course of the day both Mercury and Venus sextiled the Sun, and by the end of it, trined it, which put paid to any outbursts on energy on my part and, Mars now in the first house or not, plonked me on the couch watching reruns of Law and Order SVU for a change and wondering what I can buy with the $36 I'll get for my bit of Merimekko if the auction winner ever pays me.

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