Sunday, May 26, 2013

Everything in Two

Well, not quite, it's only Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, and Jupiter's been there for a couple of weeks with no noticeable increase in my earned income, but as I don't have any earned income I suppose that would be too much to ask for anyway even from Jupiter.

It's not like nothing's happened. I did sell my piece of Merimekko on eBay and might even get paid for it one day, I did finally get my refund from the boots I bought online from Denmark when Mercury was retrograde (detailed in A Cautionary Tale Part I, with Part II half-written and waiting as a draft for me to finish. I just checked).

In case I never do ha ha, the short version is the boots sat at Newark Airport for a week waiting for an invoice in English, I had to pay FedEx a $21 some kind of customs fee, it took three delivery attempts for the boots to get here and needless to say they didn't fit when they arrived.

It then took me about three weeks to ship the boots back and when the credit was eventually applied to my account (two emails) it went to an account that's no longer active as my credit card was hacked the day after I bought the boots online and I had to get a new card.

Never mind, it's all sorted out now just in time I should think for Mercury to be going retrograde again so I can conduct some more well-thought-out international commerce, perhaps this time for a race horse from Ireland what with Derby Day coming up and all.

And I'll have the money because thanks to JDG, who pointed out when the chicken coop blew down that it wouldn't hurt to contact the insurance company as out-buildings are usually covered to some extent, I do have a check for $805 - an Eighth house matter, surely, instead of a Second house one, but who's complaining?

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