Friday, May 10, 2013

Jupiter Square Jupiter

So this has been going on in the background for several days with the somewhat ominous heading of "Impending Shortages" given to it by astrodienst. Funnily enough <roll eyes>, I've put myself on a strict budget since the beginning of the month and am attempting to buy only what I need and nothing that I merely want - this after a credit card bill for April of $2,600, which gave me pause even though I'm aware my putting every single item possible to put on it on it so I can get Air Miles often has it hover around the $2,000 mark.

I do - choke - pay it off every month but each month I do so takes another month of life expectancy with moolah away, so right now if AAPL stays where it is I'm good until I'm
73 - older than many people in the Obit column every day for sure, but the women in my family have tended to live into their eighties or nineties and being 85 with no moolah is not what I'd call an inviting prospect.

So - today was the day I applied for my Chase Select Credit Card, thus in some convoluted way giving myself another year or so of life + ability to eat if I can only stop buying anything that catches my eye, even if it does cost only a dollar or so in the PAWS thrift shop.

I did do well in Deming yesterday, spending absolutely nothing except at Lottaburger <deep sigh>, although of course to not spend money in Deming scarcely qualifies as any kind of achievement. There's a Walmart (and there's one of them in Silver), a K-Mart, a Dollar Tree and a Tractor Supply Company, one of which is also in Silver and into either one of which I have yet to set foot <pardon my syntax>.

Today I had to shell out about three dollars for some plumbing supplies but can scarcely complain as the house guest who fixed the kitchen faucet for me saved me an at least fifty dollar visit from the plumber. I did also buy a sixteen dollar wrench on house guest's advice as I've realized it's a crucial household tool I've never had, and definitely romps home to a win in the "need" rather than "want" category.

So we shall see. Twenty-three days to go until the end of this credit card billing cycle and I'm already up to $660 seemingly without breathing. And while I don't really WANT 100 gallons of propane, I need it and *should* have ordered it today.

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