Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Jupiter Trine Moon

This seems to have passed almost unnoticed after the frenzy of having the bikers here and the lightning trip to Cruces to pick up the chairs with Jupiter sextiling the Sun and Mars sextiling Mars, but I suppose that's what trines do.

The bikers left late Sunday afternoon (this, of course, is glossing over five days of lots of egg-cooking and dishes and emptying trash cans) and I fell in a heap, played tennis Monday, came back and got the room ready for the two friends who are here for a week, had dinner with them, got up yesterday and had a tennis lesson, back to the house, friends went out and I fell in a heap again and caught up with The New Yorkers that pile up week after week.

So today I have the dregs of the trine and here I am at the desktop in the back room staring at the winter's worth of filing on the desk and planning a trip to the dump - both very optimistic house-related goals. We'll see.

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