Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pluto Sextile Mars

astrodienst calls this "On a grand scale" and I suppose it's because natal Pluto is in the Fourth that each of the three times (with one more to go next year) it's happened there's been some kind of home-related *circumstance* going on.

Last February I was back in Cambridge shivering inside the locker at Public Storage where the remnants of my New York apartment were costing me $50 a month trying to figure out exactly what those remnants were.

When it happened the second time in June I was back in Cambridge again (I mean, you gotta love this stuff), taking most of it to a thrift shop, having some of it stored by a friend and boxing the rest of it up and shipping it to myself in Silver, thereby saving myself $50 a month.

So here we go with exact transit number three and a new water softener is being installed tomorrow, Eric came and picked up most of the chicken coop yesterday and I need to call him and make sure he's coming back for the rest, I've got two little easy chairs in the addition that has been there since 2002 so I ought to stop calling it the addition that need furniture to match, any day now I'm going to finish painting the little corner thing I've bought and stripping the 1940s phone table/seat thing I got in March and will repaint the kitchen ceiling, a few other minor details in there that I can't even remember and on the grandest scale of all, there's going to be a closet in the little back room so I will have somewhere to hang clothes on this side of the house and will have successfully moved myself into the square footage of what was the original house that we bought in 2002.

I do wonder if, when this transit strikes for one more time in September 2014, I'll sell the house and move into a single-wide so I can recreate the railroad flat I had in New York. Anything is possible.

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