Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mars Square Saturn

OK, so I read astrodienst's interpretation of this and remember it was this aspect that prompted me to start this blog - well, not this one exactly but its predecessor with a slightly more optimistic name - and knowing that I need to drive into town remind myself that I have to go very very slowly and very very cautiously.

Now the day before - Monday - with Mars conjunct Neptune, I did manage to pack up one of the three boxes I'm sending for the festive holiday season before deciding I wasn't going to part with a precious packet of digestive biscuits and opening and eating every single biscuit before retiring to bed to work my way through a second viewing of every season of The Wire.

Not much to do with Neptune there, but the installers did show up with the new water softener before realizing they didn't have the right parts and taking off again, telling me they'd be back the next day, the Mars square Saturn day, and that was the reason I had to go into town to buy salt, one of my favorite things to do, lug 40lb plastic bags around and dream of MetroCards.

So - and if I could only make myself write this every day this boring boring exposition wouldn't be needed -  I decided to be very purposeful and print the label for the one box I did manage to pack up, reminding myself that when I got in the car I would be very very cautious.

OK - remember user name for USPS site, print label, cut out label, take label into kitchen to tape on to box, look at label, realize - because this had happened once before when I was shipping twelve boxes back here from Cambridge and got to the post office with them to be told bar code hadn't printed - that, yes indeed, no bar code on the label, take a deep deep breath, remember what post office service assistant told me on the phone when it happened before, go back to computer, save label as a PDF, print label, bar code prints, tape correct label to box and marvel yet again at the completely unexplainable way that jolly old As Above, So Below continues to work itself out.

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