Monday, December 23, 2013

Pluto Sextile Mars Exact

It is of course nothing but a coincidence that also on this day when I need to clean up this house and make it presentable for airbnb guests on Boxing Day Mars is sextiling natal Pluto for me, which at least explains why I found myself taking out the ironing board at five o'clock yesterday afternoon and ironing pillowcases.

It also happens to be the day that progressed Mercury meets the progressed Sun in the second house, and if I dare to assume that the woman who saw my FaceBook post on "RECYCLE: Grant County" about the memory foam for $25 actually comes to pick it up that will take care of that one nicely.

So I could list all the things I would like to do and all the things that I have to do and at the end of the day see how many of them got done, but as both of those are very very long lists I shall be better served by simply getting out of bed - O MBA, thou art my downfall - and getting going.

More later.

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