Friday, August 15, 2014

Venus sextile Neptune

Here's hoping with this in effect all day I'll get over the vague but definitely there feeling of being out of sorts I've had ever since I got back to the Land of Enchantment, where every single household object has been giving me the silent reproach treatment - dust me, move me, lemon oil me, clean me, throw me out - do something with me, for God's sake, don't just stand there.

The foot pedal challenge is all sorted out. Once I discovered Express Scribe allows the use of only one foot pedal - the one I don't have - with its free software I was able to purchase and download the *professional* version for half the cost of a new pedal, although it was an accomplishment I got less than excited about as immediately I got that figured out I got editing work which I completed last night ten minutes before deadline and then sent off the wrong file.

The fun and joy Sun in the Fifth is supposedly bringing me seems in somewhat short supply, overshadowed by Mars and Saturn in Scorpio in the Sixth. I did take a deep breath on Monday morning and call Hartford to find out exactly what the two-year-old insurance claim will mean to my annual rate but the agent in charge is on vacation till next Monday, and God forbid I should actually go on line and try to get some info that way.

No, I'll just wallow in misery and general discontent and disgruntlement till then, and look out the window at all the weeding I don't want to do and open the closet door and look at all the ironing I don't want to do and close the door again  and wiggle the legs on the dining room chairs and hope they don't dry out so much they come out of their sockets ...

I've got a good idea! Maybe I'll put myself in a pleasant country spot, just as suggests, because that will have a very powerful effect on me and I can go off into a mindless daydream for the rest of the day and watch English sitcoms on YouTube and feel all better in the morning. That's a good idea!

Oh shucks! I forgot! I'm such a dope! M is coming in 20 minutes because the sheetrock in the guest bathroom needs to be replaced after all, and he can't just scrape it down and mud it as he originally thought. I think with Mercury in the Fifth as well as the Sun I'll just play a silly prank on him and go and hide in the adobe till he's gone! That will make him laugh....

Ah, the human condition - 'tis a wonderful thing. I think my best bet is to have a Dr. Phil marathon of all the reruns I missed while I was away and count my blessings.

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