Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Venus Opposed to Moon

Well I don't know about indiscriminate affection but I did put on my most winning smile and ask M, who came this morning to do another layer of mudding, if he would be willing to paint the kitchen for me, seeing as how it's needed doing since the leak in the ceiling last - November? October? - and I am seemingly incapable of doing anything about it myself.

My request was prompted by two things; One, see last sentence of paragraph above: Two, I am going to have to buy a gallon each of the two custom-mixed colors in the addition for about two square feets' worth [?] of painting that will need to be done now that the leak is finally fixed and there are no more unsightly bulges up by the ceiling outside the bathroom.

Having to shell out for those two gallons solves rather neatly the question of what color the kitchen should be painted, when and if I ever got around to doing so. Any thoughts of coral, which had occurred to me while I was on my holiday in Florida, are immediately banished by a gallon each of custom green and custom blue.

I am looking on the bright side and telling myself those colors will bring the glorious New Mexico sun and the plants in the garden into the kitchen, metaphorically speaking, of course.

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