Saturday, August 30, 2014

Jupiter sextile Uranus

Goddammit every time I get fed up and think I'm not writing this stupid blog anymore because I can barely scratch up the energy to do it and who cares anyway, there's such a right-on manifestation that I have to put it out there anyway even if no-one ever reads it.

OK. So yesterday didn't go exactly as planned: M was over-scheduled and would have been hard-pressed to come and paint the bathroom and I said no problem, I could take all his stuff out and it could sit in the living room till next week and the airbnb people who were coming wouldn't mind that there was bare sheetrock etc. etc. So he didn't come and as it turned out, neither did the airbnb people because of car problems, but nothing that you could really put down to Jupiter sextile Uranus.

Today when I got online at 8:00 am I saw a message sent last night saying could I play tennis at 8:30? I could and did, and as a result of being *downtown* was walking back to my car right behind the very first two people I ever knew in Silver City, who had sent me an e-cards Christmas card last December - yes, eight months ago - and who I had been feeling guilty about ever since because I didn't send them one back. We got that all sorted out and they're coming over next week. (For added Uranian-Jupiterian stroke of luck info, I should point out this couple no longer lives in Silver but 30 miles away, so for me to run into them when I did I involved more *luck* than one might originally think.)

Then, along the lines of expanding my Jupiterian body of knowledge and all that, I took a deep breath and drove to Big O Tires where I was going to ask them to check my front right tire for a slow leak - this for me akin to climbing Everest for those who grew up with cars and learned to drive at 14 - but it was Saturday and they closed at noon.

Across the street to Walmart - where I bought a piece of ginger root - again, akin to someone who cooks buying fiddle-head ferns or Japanese blowfish - and then home to welcome the airbnb peeps and find an email from friends asking whether I'd like to caretake their house for the six months they don't live here, care-taking involving a weekly visit to water plants etc. etc., and obviously involving $ - an opportunity I could never have *predicted*. You just gotta be amazed.

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