Monday, August 18, 2014

Venus Conjunct Pluto

So I set the alarm so I could get up and see Venus and Jupiter together at sunrise (both of them sitting smack on Pluto for me) and thanks to New Mexico no longer being in severe drought they were both hidden behind cloud cover, but never mind; no sudden feelings of jealousy or possessiveness and thank God no one around to decide I'm in love with, so so far so good.

Only friendship-related thing I did do was call someone who got annoyed with me the last time I was in Boston and didn't get down to New York as promised to see her and has ignored me ever since. I of course have ignored her as well - it does seem as though Neptune in the Eleventh is dissolving every friendship I've ever had - but yesterday I picked the phone up and left a message.

Now off to Walmart where I intend to cleverly outwit any influence the stars may be exerting on me by using the self-service check-out and thus driving away unbetrothed.

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