Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sun in the Fifth, or, The Slowest...

...Moving Planet wins, to quote Michael Lutin, which I suppose is why I'm sitting here wondering whether to pull out all the rebar I whacked into the driveway yesterday to hold back the corrugated tin I'm lining it with and move it all back a foot, say to hell with it I've got a little car and the UPS van isn't that big and spray paint it in place anyway, wash the kitchen floor, sweep the back patio, stake the Russian Sage, do a load of laundry, get yet another bag full of stuff ready for the thrift shop, weed the front steps, do some ironing, change the kitty litter or find yet another way to bring fun and joy into my life while Pluto slowly retrogrades back to sextile Mars in Pisces for me.

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