Sunday, August 31, 2014

Jupiter sextile Uranus

The excitement continues and it's only half past seven! Michael Lutin, who I've linked to so many times I'm not going to do it right now, is speaking at the ISAR conference in Phoenix at the end of September! Phoenix! Only five hours away! You can get a day pass! AND I think there's an Ikea there!

Wondering what the next twelve hours will bring...

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Jupiter sextile Uranus

Goddammit every time I get fed up and think I'm not writing this stupid blog anymore because I can barely scratch up the energy to do it and who cares anyway, there's such a right-on manifestation that I have to put it out there anyway even if no-one ever reads it.

OK. So yesterday didn't go exactly as planned: M was over-scheduled and would have been hard-pressed to come and paint the bathroom and I said no problem, I could take all his stuff out and it could sit in the living room till next week and the airbnb people who were coming wouldn't mind that there was bare sheetrock etc. etc. So he didn't come and as it turned out, neither did the airbnb people because of car problems, but nothing that you could really put down to Jupiter sextile Uranus.

Today when I got online at 8:00 am I saw a message sent last night saying could I play tennis at 8:30? I could and did, and as a result of being *downtown* was walking back to my car right behind the very first two people I ever knew in Silver City, who had sent me an e-cards Christmas card last December - yes, eight months ago - and who I had been feeling guilty about ever since because I didn't send them one back. We got that all sorted out and they're coming over next week. (For added Uranian-Jupiterian stroke of luck info, I should point out this couple no longer lives in Silver but 30 miles away, so for me to run into them when I did I involved more *luck* than one might originally think.)

Then, along the lines of expanding my Jupiterian body of knowledge and all that, I took a deep breath and drove to Big O Tires where I was going to ask them to check my front right tire for a slow leak - this for me akin to climbing Everest for those who grew up with cars and learned to drive at 14 - but it was Saturday and they closed at noon.

Across the street to Walmart - where I bought a piece of ginger root - again, akin to someone who cooks buying fiddle-head ferns or Japanese blowfish - and then home to welcome the airbnb peeps and find an email from friends asking whether I'd like to caretake their house for the six months they don't live here, care-taking involving a weekly visit to water plants etc. etc., and obviously involving $ - an opportunity I could never have *predicted*. You just gotta be amazed.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Mercury Trine Midheaven

So a hideous and horrible thought struck me last night: that the reason I am moping around like a friendless waif (wrong word for someone weighing in at a healthy 125)  alone in the middle of the desert toiling away night and day at maintaining a constantly-in-need-of-repairs old house on a dirt road off a dirt road in a depressed little mining town in the Southwest is because I gave up my apartment in New York two years ago for not too many pieces of silver.

(I think the sentence - if that's what it can be called ha ha - above is proof once and for all that the writing instructor who told me I wrote as though I have to get every thought in my head out at once was right. I prefer to think it's because I have natal Mars in Pisces loosely opposed to Jupiter in Virgo)

Whatever, as the children say. It is more than possible that my present state can be blamed on having taken myself - unsupervised, of course - off of my anti-depressant medication several months ago. Just in case this is the true cause, I am now - unsupervised, of course - back on my anti-depressant medication and hope to soon be happily moving cinder-blocks and weeding and sweeping and washing floors and cleaning windows and putting salt in the water-softener and changing the kitty litter and going to the dump and generally enjoying my extreme good fortune which has me living in a beautiful house on a dirt road off a dirt road only four miles from Walmart in the mountains of New Mexico and owning Apple stock.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Venus Opposed to Moon

Well I don't know about indiscriminate affection but I did put on my most winning smile and ask M, who came this morning to do another layer of mudding, if he would be willing to paint the kitchen for me, seeing as how it's needed doing since the leak in the ceiling last - November? October? - and I am seemingly incapable of doing anything about it myself.

My request was prompted by two things; One, see last sentence of paragraph above: Two, I am going to have to buy a gallon each of the two custom-mixed colors in the addition for about two square feets' worth [?] of painting that will need to be done now that the leak is finally fixed and there are no more unsightly bulges up by the ceiling outside the bathroom.

Having to shell out for those two gallons solves rather neatly the question of what color the kitchen should be painted, when and if I ever got around to doing so. Any thoughts of coral, which had occurred to me while I was on my holiday in Florida, are immediately banished by a gallon each of custom green and custom blue.

I am looking on the bright side and telling myself those colors will bring the glorious New Mexico sun and the plants in the garden into the kitchen, metaphorically speaking, of course.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Mercury Conjunct Jupiter

Why I thought this would help me write the press release I'm supposed to hand over at 6pm tonight I have no idea, although my understanding of the situation in the Middle East was greatly expanded by an conversation over coffee yesterday with someone with - really and truly - extensive knowledge of the political situation there.

On another note, with the subject aspect ten  minutes from exact this morning, I've decided to end my anti-depressant-medication-free experiment begun in April after careful monitoring, and just took a 150 mg Wellbutrin tablet. We shall see.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pluto Sextile Mars

Something's giving me the energy to work on the outside landscaping that's needed doing for years and this seems to be the likely *culprit* - retrograde or not. Another month and Pluto stations retrograde at 11:00 Capricorn and *my* natal Mars is at 10:59 Pisces, hence, I think, my activity yesterday with rocks and rebar and cement blocks and slump blocks and weed cloth and lava rock, and also hence the state of my hands today.

With Sun and Mercury in the Fifth the fun and joy and playing pranks continues....but you only have to do it once, I tell myself, over and over again...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Sun Trine Venus

Just as I'm about to lose interest completely because Jupiter comes to Pluto and all I do is transcribe (not my fault remotely, of course, that transcribing is the *thing* it turns out I'm putting effort into instead of trying to become a ballerina or a nuclear physicist) the Sun trines Venus and the manifestation is so ridiculously literal I figure I'll soldier on for one more day and do another post.

Supposed to play tennis. Rains. Play Upwords instead at the coffee shop where, last time I went, I saw a beautiful house plant in pitiful condition that I decided needed TLC from me (ulterior motive, get a cutting; once upon a time in New York I had this plant hanging in the kitchen window.)

Ask coffee shop owner if may take plant home and repot.  Permission granted. Name of plant: ceropegia woodii, known to those with no access to Google as string of hearts.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto, Oops, I Forgot

Of course I did something involving my own personal power <hysterical laughter> - I transcribed one whole page.

This little saga began at least two months ago when I agreed to do some transcribing work after not having done it for at least four years. (For those fortunate enough to not know what transcribing entails, it involves being tethered to a computer by a set of earphones while using a foot pedal to control, in the olden days, a machine into which one inserted an audio tape, and now a software program into which a sound file has been loaded, and then typing, or keyboarding if you want to be technical, whatever the contents of the tape or sound file contains - usually an interview of some kind, sometimes, if all malevolent planets in the universe are lined up against you, a technical or academic conference in which all speakers are at least six feet away from a mal-functioning microphone. Favorite places for clients to record are restaurants at the height of lunch or dinner hour, airport runways or next to factory conveyor belts.)

So - yes, I say, of course I can continue with the job I was doing for you. I still have the disk with the sound files and I'll get going on it just as soon as I've washed the kitchen floor and done all the windows. I did find the disk immediately, but what I forgot was that, transcribing machine or Express Scribe, I needed a foot pedal, which took another couple of weeks to locate but was eventually found in one of the boxes I sent to myself when I moved out here 12 years ago.

Ok. Plug in the foot pedal, get the sound file loaded - this a production in itself thanks to the monstrosity that is iTunes 11 - place foot on part of pedal that is supposed to activate the software - silence. Repeat three or four times, checking the connection, breathing deeply, then decide I will need to buy a new foot pedal and go on vacation for two weeks.

Return from vacation $1500 poorer than when I left, plug pedal in again just in case, proving AA's definition of insanity, and then start scrutinizing every word on the web page for the software.  Discover that only one manufacturer's pedal will work with the free version of the software and it is, of course, not the one I own. Shell out $29 and download the software. Still no sound. After about an hour, see a fleeting message referencing a Set-up Wizard. Set up the foot pedal. I am boring myself to tears here and cannot be bothered to go on with this, but suffice it to say that yesterday, while the bits of old caulking were being scraped off the roof, I sat here and  - in spite of discovering that MS Word 2008, my version of the program, no longer supports macros and I will have to manually type in the names of the speakers by listening to the MP3 AGAIN when I am done - I transcribed a whole page of an interview before fleeing outside and beginning to frantically pull up weeds - ANYTHING to escape.

Jupiter Conjunct Pluto

I suppose it's good to have astrological evidence that this time the leak on the roof will be  fixed once and for all as it was done under this aspect - the many layers of cracked and brittle old caulk stripped right down and replaced with something so efficacious it can supposedly be used on wet surfaces - on the other hand it does seem to be carrying the mundane just a little too far.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Venus Conjunct Pluto, Over at Last

I suppose with no human to use all that compulsive energy on I put it all on the leak in the bathroom, and by the end of the day had convinced myself - as the hail came down and the water trickled down on to the exposed sheetrock I'd had a space heater pointed at for 24 hours - that the obviously needed repair to the roof would cost around $10,000. This figure is yet to be confirmed, but at least this morning, having not gone into total meltdown last night, I am not walking around taking deep breaths and, doubled over, clutching my stomach. What a big girl!

Monday, August 18, 2014

Venus Conjunct Pluto Take Two

But I forgot:

I think that Venus in my chart
Is crasser far than love or art.
Instead of "Oh I love you honey"
I got a great big bunch of money.

Apple dividend pay day, thank you God thank you Jesus.

Venus Conjunct Pluto

So I set the alarm so I could get up and see Venus and Jupiter together at sunrise (both of them sitting smack on Pluto for me) and thanks to New Mexico no longer being in severe drought they were both hidden behind cloud cover, but never mind; no sudden feelings of jealousy or possessiveness and thank God no one around to decide I'm in love with, so so far so good.

Only friendship-related thing I did do was call someone who got annoyed with me the last time I was in Boston and didn't get down to New York as promised to see her and has ignored me ever since. I of course have ignored her as well - it does seem as though Neptune in the Eleventh is dissolving every friendship I've ever had - but yesterday I picked the phone up and left a message.

Now off to Walmart where I intend to cleverly outwit any influence the stars may be exerting on me by using the self-service check-out and thus driving away unbetrothed.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Sun in the Fifth, or, The Slowest...

...Moving Planet wins, to quote Michael Lutin, which I suppose is why I'm sitting here wondering whether to pull out all the rebar I whacked into the driveway yesterday to hold back the corrugated tin I'm lining it with and move it all back a foot, say to hell with it I've got a little car and the UPS van isn't that big and spray paint it in place anyway, wash the kitchen floor, sweep the back patio, stake the Russian Sage, do a load of laundry, get yet another bag full of stuff ready for the thrift shop, weed the front steps, do some ironing, change the kitty litter or find yet another way to bring fun and joy into my life while Pluto slowly retrogrades back to sextile Mars in Pisces for me.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Venus sextile Neptune

Here's hoping with this in effect all day I'll get over the vague but definitely there feeling of being out of sorts I've had ever since I got back to the Land of Enchantment, where every single household object has been giving me the silent reproach treatment - dust me, move me, lemon oil me, clean me, throw me out - do something with me, for God's sake, don't just stand there.

The foot pedal challenge is all sorted out. Once I discovered Express Scribe allows the use of only one foot pedal - the one I don't have - with its free software I was able to purchase and download the *professional* version for half the cost of a new pedal, although it was an accomplishment I got less than excited about as immediately I got that figured out I got editing work which I completed last night ten minutes before deadline and then sent off the wrong file.

The fun and joy Sun in the Fifth is supposedly bringing me seems in somewhat short supply, overshadowed by Mars and Saturn in Scorpio in the Sixth. I did take a deep breath on Monday morning and call Hartford to find out exactly what the two-year-old insurance claim will mean to my annual rate but the agent in charge is on vacation till next Monday, and God forbid I should actually go on line and try to get some info that way.

No, I'll just wallow in misery and general discontent and disgruntlement till then, and look out the window at all the weeding I don't want to do and open the closet door and look at all the ironing I don't want to do and close the door again  and wiggle the legs on the dining room chairs and hope they don't dry out so much they come out of their sockets ...

I've got a good idea! Maybe I'll put myself in a pleasant country spot, just as suggests, because that will have a very powerful effect on me and I can go off into a mindless daydream for the rest of the day and watch English sitcoms on YouTube and feel all better in the morning. That's a good idea!

Oh shucks! I forgot! I'm such a dope! M is coming in 20 minutes because the sheetrock in the guest bathroom needs to be replaced after all, and he can't just scrape it down and mud it as he originally thought. I think with Mercury in the Fifth as well as the Sun I'll just play a silly prank on him and go and hide in the adobe till he's gone! That will make him laugh....

Ah, the human condition - 'tis a wonderful thing. I think my best bet is to have a Dr. Phil marathon of all the reruns I missed while I was away and count my blessings.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sun Opposed to Moon

Nasty, this one, not one you want to be born with. Back from my holidays with the Sun in the Fourth, and now it's gone into the Fifth I have loads of editing work, NOT THAT I AM COMPLAINING, just a statement of fact.

But there I am all set to get going on a transcribing job and discover the foot pedal I found with such jubilation weeks ago doesn't work, and I get a call from another client when I told him I'd be busy all week and allow myself to be talked into looking at a new rewrite job (this, admittedly, with Venus square Venus) and then actually agree to play tennis (I SAID Sun is in the Fifth) at three in the afternoon when it's 85 degrees and then can't believe I said yes.

Like I said, nasty, and thank you God thank you Jesus this morning I'm back to my *normal* Sun and Moon sextile self.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Saturn and Mars in Scorpio and a Full Moon on *my* Moon

Close enough, anyway - off by one degree.
And the two malefics don't have to be in the Eighth for them to have a less-than-welcome financial effect, it seems, as I returned from my holidays back to the Land of Enchantment and Wifi to discover my one upcoming airbnb reservation has been cancelled and the neighbor I collided with, smashing up my beloved Volvo two years ago, is making a claim on my auto insurance.

No idea what for, until I call tomorrow, but you know it can't be good, especially as the Sun will be opposing *my* moon exactly.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Jupiter sextile Neptune

On my holidays in/on the Keys. No spiritual groups in sight to join so far but I did start the laundry this morning before we left.