Monday, January 13, 2014

Chiron Square Uranus

Well this one's going out with a bang - in a rare moment of focus I looked back at past posts and found this, referencing flooding the well-house and the house itself being in a mess as I'd started to organize the pantry.

Maybe - maybe maybe the well house challenge is over and if I dare go up there and look this morning I might discover that the new water softener, installed 12/17 and sitting there like a brick ever since because I couldn't figure out how to set it, is finally working, (more of that later), but to say the house was in a mess last March was - well, I don't know what it was, but right now it looks as though a bomb has gone off.

Most of the Tiny Back Room is in the dining room, bits of the dining room are in the living room because M is going to cut down bookcases for me when he gets here later this morning, my clothes are back in the walk-in closet in the addition because M is also going to use the rod from the closet where they were in the new closet in the Tiny Back Room, I'M also in the addition as what is going to be my bedroom is currently unusable and yes, I agree, astrodienst is perfectly correct to call this aspect "Uproar."

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