Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sun Square Sun

This one's easy. Forget all the philosophical musings I've got going that need work before they can be posted - only 9:36 am and already this is working out so accurately it's almost scary.

"Challenges may (also) occur in connection with your efforts to build something up, to create a material structure or to get a project going" says astrodienst.

Could that possibly have anything to do with the closet that in theory is going to be built in the Tiny Back Room so that for the first time in the twelve years that I've been paying a mortgage on this house IT WILL ACTUALLY BE SET UP SO THAT IT WORKS FOR ME, pardon my shouting?

The closet that M came yesterday for and measured for and bought the materials for and laid them all out on the front porch for and told me to give him a call for today when the man from the propane company had finished taking out the wall furnace that needs to be removed before the closet can be built so he, M,  could come and start work on? THAT closet? THAT material structure?

THAT material structure that the man from the propane company is here for now, asking me questions about electrical ignitions that there is no way I can answer and taking forever to do what I thought would take about five minutes?

The answer, dear reader, is of course yes, and as the sounds of hammering emanate from the Tiny Back Room as I sit in the dining room in the middle of chaos shivering because the heat has had to be turned off and wondering if this will be the day I finish writing New Year cards, I look at the clock and realize M told me he had a mid-morning appointment so there will be no point in his even coming out here this morning as he would have to leave immediately, and I close my eyes and count to twenty and think how fortunate I am to be so tightly connected to the workings of the universe and wonder what the aspects will be on the day the closet is finally built and if I have a recording of The Hallelujah Chorus anywhere.

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