Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sun Square Sun, part II

Well after a rather rocky start this ended up being quite productive as far as the closet went.

Man from propane company took at least an hour longer than I, with my extensive knowledge of how to remove a wall furnace,  had anticipated, and as I had also anticipated made it pointless for M to come out here and start work when he had a mid-morning appointment lined up.

However, as man from propane company offered me 75 gallons of propane in exchange for (to me) useless heater, as well as agreeing not to charge for removal of said heater, I consider the whole episode to be a success and so what if the closet that will finally make this house my own doesn't get finished this week? When you've waited twelve years, what's another few days?

The rest of the day was reasonably uneventful. M came out and began to work on the framing while I did research for the astrological reading I was due to give at five, and the man who came out to service the central heating unit did so quickly and presumably efficiently and told me it all looked good and there were no mouse turds up in the attic so not to worry.

M left just as the couple curious about what the universe said about their relationship arrived, and thank God said couple was in agreement with my tentative observations about what its collective strengths and weaknesses were, giving me ten examples of how right on I was about every topic I brought up.

And, of course, the very best part of all iis f the Sun was squaring the Sun is that my birthday is not very far away and as soon as Valentine's Day is over I can start buying myself birthday presents.

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