Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Mercury Conjunct South Node

So the airbnb people left and I changed the letters on the icebox that they had dared to change to "New Mex Gila Fart On" to "Thank God They're Gone" and went off to play tennis. Hobbled around the court, lost all three sets as usual, went to PO to pick up Marimekko frock from Denmark and mail registration card for still-not-working-because-I-can't-get-the-top-off-to-set-it water softener and came back to the house still thinking I was going to send out New Year cards to find water softener registration still on desk.

Called propane people to ask about taking wall furnace out of Tiny Back Room so closet can be built. Told someone would come to do it on Thursday or Friday.

Called AZNEX to ask if my webmail settings could be changed so that when I've read an email it could be deleted from their server so I don't have to go through the tremendously annoying and painfully slow "select all" and then "purge all" process of clearing out my email box (?).

Was told I have the second slowest plan they offer (for $49 a month, thank you very much) and that if I sprang for an extra $16 a month clearing out my box wouldn't take as long. Asked if I was correct in thinking that if I changed providers I could keep my email address for $5 a month and was told that yes, that was right. Said thank you and hung up.

Started to change bedding in b&b room and realized why couple who left that morning had taken every sheet and blanket they could find and piled them on the bed - I had covered cotton blanket and brand new high quality German flannel sheets with a thin cotton bedspread before adding brand new heavyweight candlewick bedspread over the top and couple had not realized there were sheets and a blanket under the thin cotton bedspread.  Looked forward to review saying bedding was inadequate.

Man from propane company arrives to look at wall furnace I need taking out. Said would leave hole in wall. Told him man building closet was aware of that and would deal. Propane man left and said would be back Monday or Tuesday.

Put stamp on registration card for water softener and put in handbag.

Phone rings and someone with English as a second language tells me he is on Village Drive and is trying to deliver mirrors I ordered.   Tell him I don't live on Village Drive and have not ordered any mirrors. He tells me he has four of them and they are very heavy. Realize they are the mirrored bi-fold doors for the closet and begin the "keep going up Little Walnut till you see a big brick house with a high stone wall and mailboxes outside and make a right..." litany.

Man with English as a second language who is not young backs huge truck up driveway to as close as he can get to kitchen doors. Four very tall and skinny boxes held to side of truck by a serious canvas belt thing. MWEAASL begins to undo canvas belt thing and boxes begin to fall onto him. Close eyes. M etc. tries to pull bottom of boxes out from side of truck so they will lean against truck wall and not fall on him. Takes a long time. Once all four boxes are leaning against truck wall M etc. maneuvers one box onto dolly and pushes the lever to lower the whatever it's called he's standing on to the ground. Manages to get dolly with tall box on it down the two steps made of railroad ties and then down the two steps made of concrete onto the back patio. Wheels dolly to kitchen door and props box up against outside shed thing. Takes dolly back to truck and repeats three more times. Takes a long time.

Realize I have five dollars cash to my name and say thank you and give it to him. Think he tells me has yet to go to Lordsburg and then to El Paso before his day is through. Say oh my, wish him a happy new year, go back into house and cut an Atavan in half. Drink a beer. Wake up on New Year's Day wondering if I ate dinner.

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