Monday, January 6, 2014

Boy, That Michael Lutin, or, Pluto in the Ninth

"Pluto doesn't mess around,"  he begins his Daily Fix for today, January 6, 2014. "When it first hits whatever house Capricorn rules in your Sun and Rising Sign charts," he continues, "It raps gently on your door. It politely invites you on a trip to a place you're supposed to go now," that place being, for me, a mattress on the floor in a room off someone's kitchen round the corner from where I had been working as a live-in babysitter until I was told in no uncertain terms my presence was no longer welcomed after working hours.

It would be far from the truth to say that I welcomed that change, as ML says "it" gently requests that we do. I was about as pissed as it was possible to get, especially as the change left me paying for an apartment in New York my landlord refused to allow me to sublet and another $750 a month for the bedless room.

I began this post on Monday thinking it would be a nice philosophical musing on ML's description of what to expect when Pluto enters a new house in *one's* natal chart. Almost three years  to the day since that happened for me, I'm still dealing with the "major transforming experience you need to accept in order to grow and evolve during this incarnation," and daring to hope that the preliminary -

To hell with it. More later.

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