Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chiron Conjunct Mars....

...after it squared Uranus, thanks to natal configuration - maybe "uproar" was the right word, kind of along the lines of been down so long it seems like up to me - house has been in chaos for so long it starts to seem normal and so does being unable to accomplish anything., but now that I'm in the final stages of sending out New Year cards and hoping to finish while it's still January, that seems to clear the way for - wait for it - MOVING FORWARD.

Perhaps Pluto doing the same has something to do with it. Again, it's one of those background influences that *one* isn't really aware of until it goes away, but after the uproar of the leak in the kitchen ceiling saga, the water softener saga, the kitten saga, the, er, festive holiday season saga, the one after another airbnb people staying saga, the having the closet built in the Tiny Back Room saga, the running out of Celexa saga, the whatever else has been going on that I can't even remember saga and the ongoing never-to-be-solved conflict between the two resident felines saga, here I am again, wholesome and delicious as the sign in the bakery in Grimsby used to say, actually capable of having a clear enough head to be able to write a post on here and wondering if I should attempt to do a nearly everyday-by-nearly everyday catch up or not. Blimey.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Venus Square Sun

So the Duncan Hines Brownie Mix with Walnuts has been sitting on the pantry shelf since a couple of weeks before Christmas, and today turns out to be the day I decide to make it and have it for dinner.

Shades of when I was at Oppenheimer - any time the grown-ups had a catered meeting and the proofreaders were allowed into the conference room when it was over to help ourselves to the left-over sandwiches, there was always some kind of Venus aspect *above*.

Aha, I thought today, heading for the pantry, this is the time to  utilize that wonderful free will we're all supposed to have and reach for a can of tuna, but before I knew it I was turning the oven on with one hand and reaching for the mixing bowl with the other.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Sun Conjunct Midheaven

More strong-willed than usual? Not that I noticed, and not a sign of any authorities, either, unless you want to call M, the Master Carpenter, one, and I didn't really have any extensive dealings with him, other than making him a cup of coffee and writing him a check.

But do I now, after only eleven years and ten months of paying a mortgage on this house, have a real live closet with a hanging pole and shelves and enough space between the top of the pole and the shelf above it so that I don't have to turn the hanger horizontally to get it over the pole and then flip it down again? Yes Sir. Tru dat.

Mercury Trine Neptune

That worked out really well. M was here finishing off the closet in the Tiny Back Room and I spent most of the day in the addition dreaming of having somewhere to hang my clothes in the half of the house I'm going to be living in and reading the Daily Mail.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Chiron Square Uranus

Well this one's going out with a bang - in a rare moment of focus I looked back at past posts and found this, referencing flooding the well-house and the house itself being in a mess as I'd started to organize the pantry.

Maybe - maybe maybe the well house challenge is over and if I dare go up there and look this morning I might discover that the new water softener, installed 12/17 and sitting there like a brick ever since because I couldn't figure out how to set it, is finally working, (more of that later), but to say the house was in a mess last March was - well, I don't know what it was, but right now it looks as though a bomb has gone off.

Most of the Tiny Back Room is in the dining room, bits of the dining room are in the living room because M is going to cut down bookcases for me when he gets here later this morning, my clothes are back in the walk-in closet in the addition because M is also going to use the rod from the closet where they were in the new closet in the Tiny Back Room, I'M also in the addition as what is going to be my bedroom is currently unusable and yes, I agree, astrodienst is perfectly correct to call this aspect "Uproar."

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Sun Square Sun, part II

Well after a rather rocky start this ended up being quite productive as far as the closet went.

Man from propane company took at least an hour longer than I, with my extensive knowledge of how to remove a wall furnace,  had anticipated, and as I had also anticipated made it pointless for M to come out here and start work when he had a mid-morning appointment lined up.

However, as man from propane company offered me 75 gallons of propane in exchange for (to me) useless heater, as well as agreeing not to charge for removal of said heater, I consider the whole episode to be a success and so what if the closet that will finally make this house my own doesn't get finished this week? When you've waited twelve years, what's another few days?

The rest of the day was reasonably uneventful. M came out and began to work on the framing while I did research for the astrological reading I was due to give at five, and the man who came out to service the central heating unit did so quickly and presumably efficiently and told me it all looked good and there were no mouse turds up in the attic so not to worry.

M left just as the couple curious about what the universe said about their relationship arrived, and thank God said couple was in agreement with my tentative observations about what its collective strengths and weaknesses were, giving me ten examples of how right on I was about every topic I brought up.

And, of course, the very best part of all iis f the Sun was squaring the Sun is that my birthday is not very far away and as soon as Valentine's Day is over I can start buying myself birthday presents.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sun Square Sun

This one's easy. Forget all the philosophical musings I've got going that need work before they can be posted - only 9:36 am and already this is working out so accurately it's almost scary.

"Challenges may (also) occur in connection with your efforts to build something up, to create a material structure or to get a project going" says astrodienst.

Could that possibly have anything to do with the closet that in theory is going to be built in the Tiny Back Room so that for the first time in the twelve years that I've been paying a mortgage on this house IT WILL ACTUALLY BE SET UP SO THAT IT WORKS FOR ME, pardon my shouting?

The closet that M came yesterday for and measured for and bought the materials for and laid them all out on the front porch for and told me to give him a call for today when the man from the propane company had finished taking out the wall furnace that needs to be removed before the closet can be built so he, M,  could come and start work on? THAT closet? THAT material structure?

THAT material structure that the man from the propane company is here for now, asking me questions about electrical ignitions that there is no way I can answer and taking forever to do what I thought would take about five minutes?

The answer, dear reader, is of course yes, and as the sounds of hammering emanate from the Tiny Back Room as I sit in the dining room in the middle of chaos shivering because the heat has had to be turned off and wondering if this will be the day I finish writing New Year cards, I look at the clock and realize M told me he had a mid-morning appointment so there will be no point in his even coming out here this morning as he would have to leave immediately, and I close my eyes and count to twenty and think how fortunate I am to be so tightly connected to the workings of the universe and wonder what the aspects will be on the day the closet is finally built and if I have a recording of The Hallelujah Chorus anywhere.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Boy, That Michael Lutin, or, Pluto in the Ninth

"Pluto doesn't mess around,"  he begins his Daily Fix for today, January 6, 2014. "When it first hits whatever house Capricorn rules in your Sun and Rising Sign charts," he continues, "It raps gently on your door. It politely invites you on a trip to a place you're supposed to go now," that place being, for me, a mattress on the floor in a room off someone's kitchen round the corner from where I had been working as a live-in babysitter until I was told in no uncertain terms my presence was no longer welcomed after working hours.

It would be far from the truth to say that I welcomed that change, as ML says "it" gently requests that we do. I was about as pissed as it was possible to get, especially as the change left me paying for an apartment in New York my landlord refused to allow me to sublet and another $750 a month for the bedless room.

I began this post on Monday thinking it would be a nice philosophical musing on ML's description of what to expect when Pluto enters a new house in *one's* natal chart. Almost three years  to the day since that happened for me, I'm still dealing with the "major transforming experience you need to accept in order to grow and evolve during this incarnation," and daring to hope that the preliminary -

To hell with it. More later.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Venus on the Midheaven

So I'm sitting in the living room in front of the fire in my little housie on a dirt road off a dirt road in the middle of nowhere thinking as this aspect perfects that it's really a bit of a joke and I get a request from airbnb for a reservation for two people for two nights later in the month, proving once again that, as I once wrote several years ago for one of Michael Lutin's classes when we were supposed to track what Venus *did* for us on Valentine's Day -

I think that Venus in my chart
Is crasser far than love or art.
Instead of "Oh I love you honey"
I got a great big wad of money.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Venus Trine Ascendant

God this is a nice one. Made breakfast for airbnb-ers who arrived last night and sat drinking coffee with them for an hour discussing The Wire. Traded favorite characters and scenes and agreed there is no hope for the world.

airbnb-ers went off to the Cliff Dwellings, three of us played Australian tennis and two of us went downtown to play Upwords. Lost but I always do.

Back to the house, lit fire and caught up on Dr. Phil episodes. Absolutely nothing accomplished but relished every minute.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Mercury Conjunct South Node

So the airbnb people left and I changed the letters on the icebox that they had dared to change to "New Mex Gila Fart On" to "Thank God They're Gone" and went off to play tennis. Hobbled around the court, lost all three sets as usual, went to PO to pick up Marimekko frock from Denmark and mail registration card for still-not-working-because-I-can't-get-the-top-off-to-set-it water softener and came back to the house still thinking I was going to send out New Year cards to find water softener registration still on desk.

Called propane people to ask about taking wall furnace out of Tiny Back Room so closet can be built. Told someone would come to do it on Thursday or Friday.

Called AZNEX to ask if my webmail settings could be changed so that when I've read an email it could be deleted from their server so I don't have to go through the tremendously annoying and painfully slow "select all" and then "purge all" process of clearing out my email box (?).

Was told I have the second slowest plan they offer (for $49 a month, thank you very much) and that if I sprang for an extra $16 a month clearing out my box wouldn't take as long. Asked if I was correct in thinking that if I changed providers I could keep my email address for $5 a month and was told that yes, that was right. Said thank you and hung up.

Started to change bedding in b&b room and realized why couple who left that morning had taken every sheet and blanket they could find and piled them on the bed - I had covered cotton blanket and brand new high quality German flannel sheets with a thin cotton bedspread before adding brand new heavyweight candlewick bedspread over the top and couple had not realized there were sheets and a blanket under the thin cotton bedspread.  Looked forward to review saying bedding was inadequate.

Man from propane company arrives to look at wall furnace I need taking out. Said would leave hole in wall. Told him man building closet was aware of that and would deal. Propane man left and said would be back Monday or Tuesday.

Put stamp on registration card for water softener and put in handbag.

Phone rings and someone with English as a second language tells me he is on Village Drive and is trying to deliver mirrors I ordered.   Tell him I don't live on Village Drive and have not ordered any mirrors. He tells me he has four of them and they are very heavy. Realize they are the mirrored bi-fold doors for the closet and begin the "keep going up Little Walnut till you see a big brick house with a high stone wall and mailboxes outside and make a right..." litany.

Man with English as a second language who is not young backs huge truck up driveway to as close as he can get to kitchen doors. Four very tall and skinny boxes held to side of truck by a serious canvas belt thing. MWEAASL begins to undo canvas belt thing and boxes begin to fall onto him. Close eyes. M etc. tries to pull bottom of boxes out from side of truck so they will lean against truck wall and not fall on him. Takes a long time. Once all four boxes are leaning against truck wall M etc. maneuvers one box onto dolly and pushes the lever to lower the whatever it's called he's standing on to the ground. Manages to get dolly with tall box on it down the two steps made of railroad ties and then down the two steps made of concrete onto the back patio. Wheels dolly to kitchen door and props box up against outside shed thing. Takes dolly back to truck and repeats three more times. Takes a long time.

Realize I have five dollars cash to my name and say thank you and give it to him. Think he tells me has yet to go to Lordsburg and then to El Paso before his day is through. Say oh my, wish him a happy new year, go back into house and cut an Atavan in half. Drink a beer. Wake up on New Year's Day wondering if I ate dinner.

Venus Square Mercury...

...along with new moon with Pluto on New Year's Day. Extremely symbolic beginning of 2014 and perfect for making new year resolutions. Stayed in bed all day and watched The Wire.