Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Venus Trine Pluto

Oh dear. How many times does it have to be proved to me that in my case Venus has absolutely nothing to do with love?

Let me now, as usual, immediately contradict myself and say I suppose it does, a little bit, as when A calls, as he did yesterday, and with many apologies for his lack of technological skills asks me to order a book from alibris for him, I tell him about six times, in all honesty, that it's no bother, I can do it in three minutes, it's not an imposition, I don't mind doing it and he can ask me any time he wants to do it for him. What I don't tell him is that he's someone who's become very dear to me, which I know he knows.

AND he insists on reimbursing me with a little bit extra.

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