Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Progressed Mercury Nearing Progressed Sun in Second

I'm boring myself with the Chiron square Uranus chronicle so will attempt a description of what the transit above seems to be meaning.  (And yes, I am aware it's not actually a transit above, it's the using the symbolic year for a day method of prediction which is even more mind-boggling than the regular old transiting planets aspecting natal ones.)

So - with both progressed planets in Gemini (commerce) and due to come together on Christmas Day, over the past year I've managed to refinance the house, saving me a chunk of change each month, begun a B&B which is not exactly bringing in a noticeable income, and sent many of my possessions off to a store in town which takes things on consignment, ditto re income.

I've become obsessed with playing Lexulous on line and am now playing with three different people, spending at least a couple of hours a night glued to the screen.

There's a well-paid copy-editing job in the works which may or may not happen, and also a possible trip to Belize (transiting Pluto in the ninth) which will set me back a couple of thousand dollars at least.

That's about all I can come up with at the moment, with an email telling me one of my partners has played a move waiting in my in- box, but when and if my word-addled brain comes up with anything else, you'll be the first to know.

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