Friday, October 4, 2013

Saturn Trine Mars

So this is back again, for the third and final time, and while I'm too lazy to look back here to see what happened in January (assuming I wrote anything ha ha, although I think I was busy changing the name of this blog and starting it as a new one), I know in March I was able to knit two cable and lacy sleeves for a sweater for myself, the most complicated (and frustrating) pattern I've ever attempted. I haven't picked up the knitting bag since then and am showing no signs of doing so now, with a few days to go.

I have managed to paint the frame of the mirror I bought in Santa Fe for $4.99 and the metal surround of a clock I bought for $1.99 and hang them in the living room, although the jury's still out on whether I like the way they look or not.

Also, in a sudden fit of home improvement, I took down the two bits of poster board I was using as a bulletin board in the orifice and replaced them with the framed piece of green felt (frame also repainted black and jury still sequestered in the well house.)

Thinks! Is this Sun in Libra in the sixth? Will today's new moon bring the sewing machine out and lead to my making cushion covers from the yards and yards and yards of fabric I cannot stop myself from accumulating?  Will those summer dresses for Star Child finally take shape?

Not so fast, Dear Aries. I see Venus has just moved herself into my Seventh House, so the sewing machine will have to stay under wraps for a while longer, unless of course I decide, thrifty as always, to run up my own wedding dress.

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