Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Moon Conjunct Jupiter

So here I am with my heart full of love, kindness and friendship wondering what you're supposed to wear to physical therapy and if we'll make it to ToC today or not to go to the cactus and succulent nursery, we being me and a friend from Palm Springs who's here for a few days.

In theory we were going yesterday but a computer problem - his, not mine - took up most of the day and as ToC, like most *attractions* in this area, is two and a half hours away, put paid to that little pleasure trip.

Here endeth my yet one more time attempt as posting on here more often. With a heart full of love, kindness and friendship I am going to do the dishes from last night and see if I can stop the left front burner on the stove from only lighting halfway around and sending out three inch flames on the bit that lights because the fried green tomatoes bubbled over.

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