Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Saturn Trine Saturn

So according to Michael Lutin, who as far as I know has never been wrong, Saturn's current "stopped motion in Scorpio provides a rare opportunity for choice to rediscover purpose and creativity and a reason to keep plugging away at turning the great wheel, and to make this transition with love."

What transition, I ask? The transition to actually being purposeful and creative? God knows that would be a transition for me, Miss Been-Saying-For-Twelve-Years-I'm-Going-To-Get-This-House-Organized and right now wondering what I'm going to do with the three boxes of paper *ephemera* I mailed out to myself - more precisely, where I'm going to put it all as I'm in the process of turning what used to be the computer room into a bedroom for myself so I don't have to sleep in the dining room when I have B&B people and be all perky and dressed and bed made by 7:00 am in case they wake up and want to know how to get to the Cliff Dwellings..

Once you've done it, you won't have to do it again I keep telling myself: this last influx of *stuff* leaves an empty storage locker on the East Coast, and even though a few pieces of decent furniture have been farmed out there, the chances of them ever making it out here are minimal and nothing to concern myself with unless and until they get here.

The two big boxes of photos from the past five decades post more of a problem. I started to go through them in Cambridge and realized the thing to do was to send the ones depicting people I still know directly to them and hope they didn't go into cardiac arrest or a deep depression at the unexpected sight of themselves twenty or thirty years ago.

This led to a couple of nights of sitting in an armchair with little piles of photographs all around me on the floor, each intended to go to a specific person, but then there was a birthday party and then we went out for dinner and my flight was for 5:45 am and all the little piles went into one box for me to sort out in my spare time here ha ha.

The point of all this - if I may be so bold - is that this station of Saturn directly trines the natal placement of Saturn for me, and was exact at 7:00 am this morning. At 7:00 am this morning I was on the tennis court warming up and about to lost all three sets we played to my partner, but that's par for the course. What's different is that I have spent the past few days and intend to spend many of the coming ones trying to clear my desk so I can downsize to a smaller one so I can swap out the day bed for a full sized one AND - O wonder of wonders, spent a lot of yesterday online searching out submission opportunities for the plays I've written.

It's probably a couple of years (!) since I've done this, turning the great wheel, as it were, and I would really like to go on with it. (All I've done so far is make notes on which theater companies don't require you to live in a specific state, be in a specific age range or write something on a given topic, allow submissions on Tuesdays and don't charge a fee. What comes next is checking on email or hard copy, bio needed or not, synopsis needed or not, playwright's name on manuscript or not, how many copies, what you have to be wearing when you submit etc. etc.)

And evidently I'm supposed to do it with love.

You are so on the brink, it's completely exciting. Of course a lot of it has already been written,
but not necessarly all, so it's up to you now, at least in part to decide which brink you're on

ou are so on the brink, it's completely exciting. Of course a lot of it has already been written,
but not necessarly all, so it's up to you now, at least in part to decide which brink 
It's cosmically fortunate that Jupiter has entered Cancer precisely at this momentous point in space-time.
You need every bit of help from the Universe you can get.
Saturn's stopped motion in Scorpio provides a rare opportunity for choice
to rediscover purpose and creativity and a reason to keep plugging awat at turning the Great Wheel,
and to make this transition with love. 

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