Friday, July 12, 2013

Sun Square Sun

Blimey, read the astrodienst interpretation for this and you'll pull the covers over your head and stay in bed all day - "a time of challenge and crisis.....occurs in the form of persons working at cross-purposes to your may be very angry at these people.....challenges in connection with your efforts to build something up..." - sheesh!

I thought it was supposed to be more to do with it being three (or nine) months since your birthday and you *should* be looking at your goals (hah!) for the year and seeing how far you'd gone towards accomplishing them.

Whichever, a Sun sextile Jupiter following on the heels of the square must have somehow shoved me into printing out a photo I took in June of Star Child wearing a dress a friend of mine bought for her two years ago and sticking it an envelope for said friend with a note saying thank you for the book she sent me this past Christmas.

I also managed to parcel up the eight-gore embroidered coral colored Ghost skirt I bought on and had shipped to my sister without telling her (I did tell her but she didn't read the email) so that when it arrived she thought her fairy godmother had sent her a present, put it on immediately and waltzed off to asda (England's Walmart) in it, only to be told by her daughter not to be so stupid and of course it wasn't for her, read the packing slip.

That was two years ago and I've been meaning to send it back to her ever since as she's much taller than me and it looks much better on her, and on top of packing that up for the post office I sent another printed out photo and a child's dress I was going to put on eBay to someone else as yet another belated thank you but that one's too complicated to even go near explaining.

That made three things I managed to get done - pitiful by many people's standards, I know, but I can only compare myself to myself blah blah blah and it's a good day if I cross one item off a list these days - and bearing astrodienst's warning in mind, I wondered exactly what I might meet at the post office where any transaction involving another country seems to cause consternation and stress and learning new software to the counter person and takes at least twenty minutes, and thank God I'm where I am and not New York or the people in line behind me would riot.

Imagine my surprise, then, dear reader, when all went smoothly - I put the letter in the right slot in the lobby and the woman who dealt with the packages was unfazed and civil with not a challenge or crisis in sight.

Au contraire, as a matter of fact, as she endeared herself to me as a kindred spirit by saying as she gave me the receipt "Have I already asked you if you need stamps?"

astrodienst nil, me three.

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