Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Saturn opposed to Pluto AND...

.....Mars to the ascendant: this was yesterday, when I began to write about how Saturn opposed to Pluto had been working out for me, and could have been called Why You Cannot Do Your Own Chart.

Anyone (except me haha) could have figured out that with Natal Saturn at the end of the Second, almost in the Third (communication), then with transiting Saturn in the Tenth (career - something I've never had) opposing Natal Pluto in the Fourth I might be doing a bit of writing, something that's fallen by the wayside in recent years.

Add in transiting Pluto on the Midheaven, where it's been basically stuck since last year, squaring natal Mercury (communication) in the Twelfth when it moved forward a bit, and you get someone who's been attending a playwriting technique workshop for months and then in February, as Pluto came to the MC for the fourth (!) time, decides it would be a great idea to sign up to write a play a day for the whole month, as well as throwing in a once a week writing monologues class, making herself sick from stress at meeting deadlines in the middle of the month and wondering what all the fuss about Saturn opposing Pluto was. There. Explained.

And yesterday, as the aspect perfected, Mars in Taurus was smack on the ascendant, and I spent the whole day in the armchair I'd fallen into when I got up - can you guess? Writing. 

In a week or so Uranus will be squaring Pluto for the third and final time, but I'll save that for tomorrow. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Saturn Opposed to Pluto Exact

Well, it will be at 8 o'clock tonight and I think I've finally figured it out.

House house house - it's always House when Natal Pluto's in the Fourth, and as I may have mentioned haha, as well as Saturn opposing it I have Uranus square it right now, so as much as I might try to avoid it, which I'm not, it's House. 

When I go back 14 years (because of Saturn's seven year cycle), I get to 2007, the year AFTER I bought the house out from the co-owner. I guess that's close enough, and it's not too much of an exaggeration to say the house has consumed my energies ever since. 

Damn. Started this at 1:17pm and now it's 9:47.

To be continued.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

To Explain Why I Am Going Mad


Brief 20 - Due by 21 Feb at 10:00am UK time

Let's be super duper strict. 

Below are the rules for your play:

1. The play should have either 6 characters or 15 characters. Not all of them need to speak, in fact, one of them never speaks, out of religious reasons. Out of the two character that speak the most - one only speaks in words that are 3 or 4 syllables long and the other never speaks any word with the letter ’t’. Why? No! T!

2. Let's be nice and even - two acts, 4 scenes in each act. The number of speaking lines in each scene must add up to a different multiple of 8.

3. Play must be set in two locations, concurrently, with alternating scenes, although they don't have to happen at the same time.

4. At least two characters should appear in both locations, but the stories should be unrelated.

5. You can have no more and no fewer than 5 pauses - one of them should last 5 minutes (not just 5 minutes of inaction, but 5 minutes of a pause... I mean... golly!)

6. An umbrella opens without anybody touching it in one location and a baby cries in another location - are the two events connected?

7. Two of the characters used to have an affair, but they broke up because of a lie. Two other characters get jiggy at some point in Act 2, Scene 2.

8. Every line of dialogue must have one of the following: either 4 words, 17 words, 22 words, 34 words, 69 (hehe) words or 101 words (you can punctuate as you like).

9. There is to be at least one heart-wrenching monologue. You know the sort - one that kids will use as audition pieces to drama schools, even though it's seriously inappropriate for them.

10. One location plays Ludo, as the other plays Cluedo. One eats toffee, as the other drinks coffee, one location finds a bag of pants (British pants - not American pants) and the other finds a nest of ants. One talks about the weather, and the other about kinky leather. All of these happen in different scenes.
If you aren't sure you understand any of the rules - go with what you think they mean.
And again, with this being a weekend task - your only bonus is to be happy with the result.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Saturn square Uranus Above...

.... and for lucky old me down below with natal Pluto at 7 Leo, Saturn's opposing it while Uranus is squaring it.  

Starting with Saturn, and why not, I'm trying to think of what I started 14 years ago when I can barely remember what I had for breakfast yesterday - nothing, in both cases, haha. 2007 - what happened? I bought John out of the house in 2006. Maybe that's it, but really and truly, I don't think I've aroused opposition from others or any of the other horrible things that astrodienst tells me could have happened by doing so.

Uranus squaring Pluto is easier to understand, getting rid of outmoded structures (worn out radiators) and all the other crap I keep saying I'm going to sell, and of course what I should have mentioned is that natal Pluto is in the fourth so it's all to do with the house. No doubt about that.  It's always to do with the house. 

OK, that's it for the day haha. New daily mission of writing something here accomplished, go do Fluencia Spanish lesson as other compulsory mission of the day and then sort out all the other stuff I'm supposed to be doing so I can enter my new and improved way of life coming up over the horizon. Sheesh.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Saturn in Aquarius in Ten

Well when  it was in Capricorn on the Midheaven it got me on the board of Literacy Link, and now it's moved into Aquarius zoom board meetings begin. This is being written by Literacy Link's  point person for the upcoming community fund-raising event for 40 local non-profits, as of this afternoon. 

I guess Jupiter's journey through the same path is all the writing workshops and the dreaded 28 Plays in 28 Days. Just sent off #18.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Venus conjunct the Moon

Well I'm definitely in a dreamy and romantic mood, having slept till 9:30, woken up feeling human again after my escape from the world sleep marathon to even more snow, made coffee and now back in bed in the little bedroom with the huge windows and the snow swirling all around and all curled up with Pretty Boy. Good thing it's not a wildly erotic influence and mainly a time for two beings (he's an earthling) to quietly express their affection. 

He and I have quite a lot in common, living here all by ourselves for the past year, and of course for seven years before that when life was a little bit different and Good Girl was here to hog all the affection.

Good thing it's a good time to spend pleasantly at home as there's no chance I'll be going anywhere except maybe into the walk-in freezer to see if I can get the TV to work so I can watch some of the Australian Open. 


Saturday, February 13, 2021

Mars trine Jupiter

Well this was a joke.  "Your energies are high, you feel good, and you believe that you can do twice as much as usual, which you probably can. " (astrodienst, of course). 

Not quite. I let this Play a Day thing send me into a complete tailspin and slept for most of the day, giving up on Saturday Playwright Thing, taking yet more stuff to PAWS and doing a real stock-up on groceries as the forecast was for snow for days and has proved to be correct. 

"... this is a good time for making decisions. You have a very clear sense of yourself and your needs, so that you can make decisions according to your best interests, in the largest and most enlightened sense of the phrase."

I guess that bit was true. I DID have a very clear sense of myself and my needs. Sleep. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Mercury sextile Sun

In recovery from last week when I overwhelmed myself trying to meet several writing deadlines with no planning or concentration. Learned my lesson and now have to see if I can put what I learned - that I need to add discipline to my life of lotus blossom eating if I'm going to get myself *back to writing* again - into practice.  So far so good. Know what I'm writing for 28 Plays Later, am going to use a 28 Plays offering as a base for Lily's Monologue Class on Monday, still not sure how I'll do Saturday's "Write a scene where a change in lighting makes a difference to what's going on on stage" but it's buzzing around in my head. 

Today feels like a holiday opposed to the weekend. Yesterday morning I was scrabbling around furiously to get the *homework* done by 11am MST. Managed it but not done as well as I would have liked.

Began 28 this morning, done my 300 on the stairstep, done a Fluencia lesson (first time since January 6), now I need to get myself off to Walmart as I can't put it off any longer and then when I can back hope to retype some more of Let It Stand.

And as a bonus, just put the nasty slippers I bought over Christmas that don't fit on Grant County Goodies. Thank you Something.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Neptune opposed to Jupiter

 No sooner do I say I'm losing interest in astrology than Neptune opposes Jupiter and comes over for the weekend. 

Wake up this morning and write scene for noon, zoom playwriting for three hours and end with a friend coming over to watch Jeffrey Sweet's The Value of Names, writing 7-28 to send before I go to bed

Tomorrow I have to get going on the monologue for Monday and finish the 8-28, then Monday have monolog finished by 11am  so can work on 9-28 to send before bed (deadline 10am GMT)

Feet firmly on ground, no foolish financial risks (so far), definitely not particularly idealistic, feeling more fortunate than lucky. No sects in sight. 

Definitely over-extended. 

Thursday, February 4, 2021

I opened this draft from 1/24 ..... see what it was.  It was empty. 

See recent post about losing interest in subject matter of blog.

Whatever This Is....

....of the kind of whirling happenings or thinkings  or writings - hmmmm. Start again.

Not to state the obvious or anything, but I am finding it difficult to post on here every day  or nearly every day haha. 

I am losing interest in it because astrology - writing about it, I mean, not *just* living it out - is no longer such a part of my life as it was for many years.  (This is what you call a laundry list.)

What I am interested in is getting myself to write again, and to give myself a bit of a jump start I've signed up for a 28 plays in 28 days thing (four down, twenty-four to go), am continuing Saturday class and, for the month of February, I'm continuing monolog stuff on Monday mornings.

Not sure what this blog might turn into, but I'd like to find out.

I have money on it. It's the literary challenge. If google would let me do it that would be a link.